Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Do you smell french fries?

Ok ok. So I have been waiting all week to do this whole car washing photo shoot like Jessica Simpson so that you can see the pictures of the new car. But it's been cold, and snowing and windy, and everything that does not make you want to run outside in a bikini.

It would have been more like big puffy jacket, fuzzy hat and gloves. Which actually is a good look for me......

So here is the latest in my vw collection. I love that despite my kicking and screaming in growing up, my insurance company is giving me a discount as a multi-car family.

Hum. Does this mean that the dog can drive?

Now I know the burning question is......are we going to smell french fries as you drive by little girl?

Not quite yet. The bio diesel is as hippy as we can get right now. As much as I would love to pull the conversion......

A) I have not idea what I'm doing

B) Sitting outside of the $1.25 Chinese restaurant in an alley, with a bucket, waiting for hot fry grease......worries not only me, but the dog too.

'What are they cooking that they can sell it for $1.25?!?!' She asks.

So for now we'll keep on the bio diesel. And I'll keep shaving my legs.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Practicly perfect in every way

My seester Tiffany and I were chatting this morning about weird little things about the two of us. By the end of the IM it turned into potential postsecret postcards.

TK what is a weird thing about me?

Me: your food doesn't ever touch

TK: good one

Me: why?

TK: I'm making a list: Sometimes I do this. It's one of the weird things on the list.

Me: used tissues freak you out

TK: true

Me: yet you work in a hospital where people shit themselves

TK: excellent point

Me: do me do me

TK: Hmmmmmmmmmm...

TK: You wear a sweatshirt and headband every morning. It's part of the routine of you waking up

Me: im a maniac

TK: You are a serial monogamist... one boyfriend at a time, never really dating more than one at a time.

Me: how is that considered a flaw?

TK: not a flaw. Just different than the majority.
I'm having a hard time coming up with weird things about you

Me: me too about you, we're practically perfect in every way

TK: We are practically perfect.

Me: I owned a gallery but secretly want to buy artwork at Hobby Lobby and take it apart and sign a fake name so people think its legit, and then hang it in my house.

TK: that's a good one!

Me: don't tell, it shames me

TK: I use more Mrs. Dash products in basic cooking than most people. I have 5 different varieties and I have a secret love of instant mashed potatoes with lots of butter.

Me: i knew that

TK: I also like tuna mixed into Kraft mac & cheese

Me: Barfing noises

TK: I know. But I love it.

Me: I put Cheetos in Ramen noodles once. I think I stopped smoking pot that next morning

TK: good move

Me: I crossed an unspoken culinary munchies line that day

TK: I can see that. Cheetos must get awfully spongy in Ramen.

Me: no they melt, and then its this cheesy gob in the noodles

TK: gross

Me: god it makes me sick just thinking about it. Oh. And when I'm studying something hard I put on a tight hat in hopes of holding in information. I truly believe it helps.

(TK was gone at this point, but knowing my sister she would have said..)

TK: That must be the reasoning of the remaining Cheetos brain cells

24 on 24

Ohhhh Miss Rockstar Amy had her golden birthday last night. I'll be honest, I was waiting for the 3 am DD call to come and pick up the party crew with Beck the Wonder Bus....or possibly bail her out of jail....

Ahh to be 24 again.....wait....maybe not. My belly boils tequila just thinking about it.
I'm sure she was a total rockstar as the night rolled on, minus the trashing a hotel room and having a dead hooker to bury. But we all celebrate in different ways I guess.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

College....Gotta love it

Can you believe after being back in school for 3 weeks, that we get a 'winter break'?

Good thing because I was exhausted.

It took me two days to get out of town......mainly because when I got to Vail Pass, I70 was shut down both ways due to 'adverse conditions', and Berthoud pass was avalanche bombing. *sigh*

So I woke up the next morning and was rewarded with a new foot of snow on the mountain.

So here are some pictures from my 'winter break'......

Little Boarding......

Little Tubing..... (slick, so very slick and fast)

Little Snowmobiling....

A whole lot of laughing, And lots and lots of not studying.

Ummm, no thanks, I think I'll pass on the free kid.....

Oh, and I got rid of the Jeep and bought a VW TDI.

Pictures of THAT will come soon.....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Side note

In-between classes this week, I ran into the house to catch a bit of Dr. Phil as I was scarfing down lunch. There is a Dr. Phil house. A Dr. Phil house people. I'm hooked. There was a woman living in the house who is a stripper, and two other couples were confronting her about her ummm profession.

In the heat of the argument one woman belted out:

"I would rather ride a bike for a living then be a stripper!"

Oh it made my day....and made me shoot Snapple out my nose.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bloggers been killing me softly lately.

Not that I've been writing anything brilliant, but it still sucks when I take time out to fill you in on something quirky and publish it will not. So today it forced me into the 'new blogger'. Fingers crossed kiddos.
School has resumed its position kicking my ass. Arms up flailing ,after school bully, kicking ass that is. I wish I could get a picture of my face when the professor says something like:

"Now this molecular biology should all be a review for you, so were going to breeze through this just know that your adding radiation at the atomic level to everything"....and then she proceeds to click away at her slide show like her finger is having a seizure.
I immediately look to my braincells. Um guys? Anyone?
So I have this coming week of big tests, and then a nice Winter break where I'm planning on getting out of town for a few days and playing tour guide to the beautiful CO.
Now on your left you'll see a big pile of snow......

Monday, February 05, 2007

Exactly how I felt in physics all last semester. Find other funny stuff here:
And yes, I know the one about dancing on a pole made you think of me.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Best intentions

Earlier this week as I was headed out to an afternoon class, I looked across the parking lot to see the kids next door packing up and moving out.

Damn. This is going to effect my internet stealing.

So I suck it up and call the local cable company, only to find that they can't come out till later in the week. Of course not. So Thursday I rush home from clinicals to meet the cable guy.

Now this poor guy when I open the door is immediatly greeted by the cat toy carrying dog doing her little fear me/ love me growl as she prances around in circles. Then, as he steps into the apartment, his right eye is almost taken out by the foil ball antenna on the TV. He looks over at me as he scratches his eye.

'Um, you don't have cable?'

'No, just the wireless hookup please. The whole package is really expensive, and anyways, I should be studying.'

So we walk back into the office area (aka the side of my bedroom) where the other cable line is for him to start instillation. Poor guy is still rubbing his eye, and I am still apologizing for it. He's in and out of the house for about twenty minutes, sets up the wireless and then walks into the living room and moves the TV. Starts cutting lines and attaching them to the wall.

"I went ahead and hooked up both lines for you. Looks like you study enough."

'Does this mean I don't need the bunny ears anymore?'

"I think it's best if those come down."

Could have been a humanitarian act for eyes everywhere, Could have been the fact that I was still in my white scrubs that you only see students in hospitals wear....or in porns. But all I know is I have over 60 channels now for free. There is a Golf channel, 2 Spanish channels, and a channel that's sole purpose is to tell me what's on the other channels.

Now I know his intentions were good, but this is really going to make it hard to focus on anatomy....Unless there is a medical channel..