Yesterday was my least favorite day of the year. Dentist day. Dentist fixing a filling that a previous dentist did on a previous least favorite day of a previous year. Dentists. I just don't like them.
I made my appointment after work on my so called Friday at 8am, this I thought would allow me a sleepy fast dentist appointment. Hum, yea, no. Dr. Dentist (one step away from being a serial killer....pulling teeth for a living and all) somehow managed to tell me about how 70% of people take numbing injections fine, but each persons anatomy is different so there may be some nerves he may hit that I could feel in my tongue or up the side of my face. Then of course since he said it, he did it, and I suddenly felt like I had my tongue in a light socket.
'Yup OK it happened' Satan serial killer said as he looks at me. "And you should know that those nerves will now be numb today and can possibly stay numb for up to six months. Don't be concerned when your right eyelid is a little droopy, that nerve is from your jaw and has been hit too.'
As the violent turrets expletives began to work there way out of my mouth they were immediately stopped my the lack of movement from my tongue. With the exception of a 1 cm section of the front left tip of my tongue, I had NO FEELING of my entire tongue. Panic. How do I swallow. I've forgotten how to swallow. The need to scream at this man is completely bypassed by the fact that I cant.....oh wait, figured it out. Back to the numb tongue-tongue lashing. Two more shots later and twenty minutes of drilling I left there looking like a stroke patient and sounding like a deaf girl. The trucker was immediately summoned to kill the dentist, but in his own defense, could not understand a word I was saying on the phone. The drive-thu pharmacist wasn't much better when he screamed through the microphone for me to
I may not have been able to say it, but the figure gesture did the trick.
By the time the trucker got home he found me passed out on the couch with a combination of tea, ice cream, and water all over my chin and down my sweatshirt, but thankfully, after a four hour nap, my tongue, and my eyelid were back in full working order.