I wont even try to catch you up on the last 3 months. Really there isn't much to tell. Life settled into it's routine, and just flew by. Just like that. Sure the chickens have gotten out a time or two, and I started a workout program that keeps me from being able to use my upper body two times a week, but for the majority of time...nada.
you know how it goes.

So we'll just start back up like we never left off....
This last week, The trucker and I did a little southern colorado tour just for kicks. that's right, we actually took advantage of my 4 days off, plus a bonus Memorial day and headed out the door with all of the dogs in tow. The first morning camping came as a shocker, and I was reminded very quickly that above 9000 ft, it still snows. Good thing my polar bear of a dog kept my legs warm. Atlas made an attempt to sleep on my head in the wee hours of the morning, but wasn't nearly as helpful as he intended.

Ah and there is my husband. Taking his morning shower at the top of Monarch Pass...in freezing snow runoff water. The video commentary goes something like this......

'I should really check the insurance policy to see if shitting yourself because the waterfall is so cold, and then slipping on a shit covered rock and busting your head open is covered. I wonder if I would be investigated for murder....'