Saturday, December 17, 2005

Sweet home

Sweet jesus what is that noise? Oh, yea, Im at the farm and it's dad on the tractor, pulling a big pile of....good morning farm blend.
Grandma and I went bright and early this morning to her church where we dropped off 23 dozen cookies (not kidding) for the soup kitchen. 23 dozen. Half of what she actually made. I guess we know now where my tendency to obsess about things come from. We then went to Wal-mart. God bless grandma. We're not even all of the way into the parking spot when she sees a walmart employee & a guy (about my age, but it was hard to tell by the angle of his butt as he is trying to fit the new big screen tv into the front seat of his mustang) wrestling this tv into his car. Don't you know, she gets out & says, 'where do you live? I can fit that into my truck and take you there'. And we did. Yea. Like I haven't moved enough stuff in the last week. Now I'm back at the farm having my second cup of pity me holiday blend. Let's here it for the slowest computer in the world & the nosy horse picture.

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