1. I have a blister on my foot from the my chacos. Even though I've had them for 3 years, it's inevitable that during the winter, this side of my foot goes soft and by spring it's time to form a new callous.

2. Turning on the AC. Now this one is new to me as I haven't had an air conditioning unit for the last 5 years. You just don't need it at 9000 feet. SC, yes. WP, no. Who knew, GJ in April, yes. When I turned it on it shot dirt and dust straight across the livingroom. Uuummmm. That stale dirty air feels nice.
3. Planted the seeds for the garden. This being my first year with a garden, I've set my goals low. I just want to successfully grow and eat ONE edible vegetable from my garden.

4. This morning at 7:30 am I walked the dog in shorts and flip flops.
and finally #5, the sure sign that its spring.......

The Mexican Merriachi band playing in the quad on campus.
ai yai yai
as long as the stale dirty air is cold, it is good!!!
Please tell me that you stopped and danced in your flip-flops, if only for a few minutes! We all know that Cookie likes to boogie too....
:) Nice list , i cant wait till summer begins !
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