I fell asleep in between class today and had this dream......
I was walking in the Nursing/Rad tech building when my professor taps me on my back.
'Hey, yea, Amanda? Ok, see there was this clerical error/computer glitch thing in the begining... and well, you were never supposed to be here. Well played. Here's your Oscar' (and she hands me a spray paint can)
'Well, I did do all my own stunts.'
And I wake up. *gasp* What does it all mean?
For god sake what were they thinking letting me in this department? You know what we went over today?
PHYSICS PEOPLE!! I must be the first art student turned radiography student in the history of EVERYTHING. I think I might have better luck teaching a goldfish to ice skate.
I feel totally inadequate. (I should stop and take this opportunity to apologize to someone. Now knowing what inadequacy feels like, I really am sorry for what I said. I'm sure it really does happen to guys all the time.)
Now I don't want you to think that I'm giving up, because that's just not my style. I'm just having a bit of a belly ache from the pint of Marsha Marsha Marshmallow that I split with the dog. My physics book is on my lap. In fact I'm going to get back to studying right now. Just wanted to give you an update.
I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok.
And I wake up. *gasp* What does it all mean?
For god sake what were they thinking letting me in this department? You know what we went over today?
PHYSICS PEOPLE!! I must be the first art student turned radiography student in the history of EVERYTHING. I think I might have better luck teaching a goldfish to ice skate.

I feel totally inadequate. (I should stop and take this opportunity to apologize to someone. Now knowing what inadequacy feels like, I really am sorry for what I said. I'm sure it really does happen to guys all the time.)
Now I don't want you to think that I'm giving up, because that's just not my style. I'm just having a bit of a belly ache from the pint of Marsha Marsha Marshmallow that I split with the dog. My physics book is on my lap. In fact I'm going to get back to studying right now. Just wanted to give you an update.
I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok.
You can do it! You can do it!
and in the words of Rachel Green, "It's not alright, it doesn't happen to everyone, and IT IS A BIG DEAL!!!!!!" Just had to get that out there.
I think everyone on the planet, including your Mother, has experienced what you are feeling. I managed to completely avoid all math from grade 10 to grad school. Then they handed me a calculator and said "Welcome to advanced degree statistics". If they had put a big FAKER tatoo on my forhead I couldn't have felt more like my total incompetence had been uncovered. Somehow I survived (God bless calculators) and got a decent grade. You are doing the right thing. Lean on your study group, professors, Teva and Ben and Jerry........
And don't forget that we love you and believe that you have an extra-ordinary ability to do whatever you set your mind to.
PS...... you're not adopted.
YES YOU ARE!!!! And your not ok, your WEIRRRRD! But we love you anyway. If I can fake my way through Constitutional Law pretending like I had any clue what the founding fathers wanted to happen two hundred years later I'm sure you can use that big ol calculator to figure it out. And if not just put 7 or Van Gogh (it will throw them off).
You can do it min. We love you!
All I can really relate to with all of your school stuff is Ben and Jerry...go for Phish Food and then wash that down with some From Russia with Buzz. In the words of Matthew McConaughey from Dazed and Confused, "Keep on keepin on..."
Have no fear Amanda! Luckily your friend Liz took lots of physics classes at Vandy! If you need help, just ask...I am there for you!
Plus 500 for Liz!
You'll do FINE, Amanda! And on the way, you're giving us such an entertaining account of the journey! But I can't wait to be here (in blog world) for your graduation!
But what a wacky dream! A spray paint bottle as an Oscar?! That cracks me up: "I did all my own stunts." Your dreams sound as wacky as some of mine!
Remember: you'll do FINE!
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