Thursday, November 30, 2006

Plot twist no one saw coming

Just like that surprise week after sweeps where there is a big twist in the plotline that even the actors don't see coming.....

Ponch broke up with me last night.

In my theraflu, I'm sick blank stare, he broke up with me. I remember vaguely tilting my head to the side and thinking....

'That falcon better be in control of some great things if saving him was my purpose in this relationship.'

Now I have a paper to finish, a project to make, a 2 tests to study for, and finals next week, all the while my ears are plugged, my eyes are practically swollen shot and my legs are wobbly like after a race.

I'm sad guys.

Damn it.

On the bright side, I could get my hippie card back now that I"m not dating a cop.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Falconer

So I'm a big geek and woke up very early yesterday in anticipation of the release of my falcon.

And yes I WAS calling myself The Falconer, and yes I WAS singing Free Bird.

You can go ahead and judge me for that one.

So I loaded up the dog and the falcon into the Jeep and gave that bird a good talking to.
Teva kept looking at me like: MOM! There is a Bird of Prey in the back of the Jeep!!

(ok, so it's really hard to see, but the Falcon is in the cage) So I drove a few towns over, far far away from their house and found a nice field to release into.....a nice field that backed another house with bird feeders in it to help entice the new location. He flew right out when I opened the cage....caught some air and looped around. Hum. I thought to myself. He's coming back. Oh god, he's dropping down.

So I opted NOT to take a picture of his graceful release and run back to the car just in case his intention was to peck my eyes out.

And THAT is the story of the Falconer.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Turkey and a Hawk

Ok, so your going to love this story. Love it I tell you!!

On my great tour of thanksgiving dinners, tonight's grand finale was spent with Ponch and his family.

Now. Before I get into the great amandaland story, I must say that the food was great, and the card game 'hand and foot', was really fun to play with everyone. But when we first arrived Ponches mom starts telling us about the hawk that has been preying on her bird feeder.

'It was chasing one of my little birds and flew right into the window....broke it's neck.'

Me, being genuinely curious and having never seen a hawk before, asks if I can go see it. Sure right? Ponch, his dad and I head down to the truck.....ya know, because now it's in a box. Somewhere down the lane it kind of slips out that the hawk may not be dead. Mostly dead, ya know but was still breathing when he put it in the box.

Yea, so guess what wasn't dead when they opened up the box.

'Thats not dead.' I look over at Ponch. He looks at the ground. Immediately he knows that this isn't going to be easy for him.

"Well, I thought it was dead (his dad says), just a little bit of breathing when I picked it up. Then I went to snap his neck and the bugger bit me! So I threw it in that box! Then we started on the turkey and I forgot it was out here. I'm sure it's wing is broken. I'll do it later.'

'Of course it bit you. You were trying to snap it's neck!'

Somehow now, in mass confusion and persuasion, the hawk (who I'm now referring to as the falcon) is put in the large cat crate, wings looking just fine. Ponch isn't making eye contact with me anymore. The two of them quickly realize that it was a bad idea to let me witness this. So we return inside discussing how this falcon it the killer of many a birds at the bird feeder, and eats them right in front of Ponches mom. Agreed. Falcon is a killer, and has disgusting eating habits.

Falcon is now residing under my steps in the cat crate until morning when I can safely relocate him in another valley. That's right. I stole the falcon out of the back of the truck as I was leaving. I'm like running and underground falcon railroad. I'll take pictures of it tomorrow when it's light out and we're on our freedom run/ witness relocation operation. Ponch of course knows, as I made him an accessory.........

'Don't even bother putting your seat belt on..(I said to him as we are pulling out of the driveway).

He sighs, shakes his head and zipped his jacket back up.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Well kids I'm moving a bit slow this morning. Clutching to my coffee and icing my wrist. Wait. What?!? What happened to your wrist you say?

Ah yes, let me go back.

My test from last Tuesday came back to me with a bomb drop of direct proportion to the ulcer eruption in my belly.

Son of a....

Before the class we (meaning the usual suspects) had decided since it was such a killer test that passers would by failures beer. Me, being the optimist came with money to buy a few pitchers.

6 pitchers later and money in my pocket, I should have been going to get my stomach pumped. Instead, opted to become a bookie and go bowling with the kids.

Yes yes. Bowling. I think this will be something that we can keep OFF the going pro list.

Ah look at that graceful form. Could explain what I did to my wrist......

I'll add bowling brace to my christmas list, and possibly explore my options for other professions...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Turkey Lurkey Dooo

So I'm thinking of doing Turkey Tour 2006.

Seriously, I'm in it for the pie.

Seems the true spirit of Thanksgiving is alive as I have gotten not 1, not 2 , not 3....but 4 invitations to Thanksgiving dinners.

People get sad when they ask me about thanksgiving and I tell them how far far away my family is. Last year Tiffany and I hauled a U-Haul into GJ and ate at an IHop with mom and dad on speaker phone. We had pie.

And here a year later...... Turkey Tour of 06. I thought of making shirts like at a rock concert, since I'm insisting on dragging Ponch with me. I'm telling 'sweet pea' that sits next to me in class about it.
'Maybe a handprint on the front made into a turkey'....
'yea' she says, then you can put THANK YOU GRAND JUNCTION!!!! on the back.

Thats perfect. Turkey tour 2006. 3 days of Turkey and Pie.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Duck a la sumthin sumthin

November 16th for Amanda
The idea of "mixing it up" to vary your routine can have an enormous appeal for you today. I wholeheartedly suggest that you explore your options and research new possibilities.

It's obviously in the stars.
So I decided this afternoon that since I failed a physics quiz yesterday, cried on my couch because I was homesick, threw a pencil across the kitchen (obviously testing physics), and failed miserably to follow through on plans I made.....all while in the presence of Ponch.....hey, maybe I'll make him dinner tonight. After all, he did have a rough week....and my horoscope did mention using a mixer....

Now, lets have a moment of silence for the fishy cookies the boy ate last time and possibly say a quick prayer (if that's how you swing) for tonight's dinner.

I have since learned lesson 1.
The apron that you used to dust off the cookbook, should be worn when using the electric mixer.

Wine. This is going to take lots of wine.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ponchs debut on the blog

With blog posts getting so lame, I asked Ponch to go out and stir up some action for me. I didnt think he would go this far. It's like having sweeps week on the blog.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's cold, and dreary outside, and possibly the best kind of day for me to get my studying in for this weeks tests. But do I want to? Heck no, I want to lay on my couch and watch a movie. and catch up with you! I haven't caught up with you in AGES!....but rest assured little ones, nothing spectacular is going on. I eat, I go to class, I sleep, and I mark off days on the calendar in the countdown to Christmas break. And before you even start, I won't be flying home to see the man dressed up in red. I have exams until the 13th, and then some law stuff in Denver on the 15th. Then depending on that outcome I may be spending Christmas in a hotel in Denver awaiting a court case the day after. Merry Christmas kiddo, you wanted anxiety for Christmas this year right? Ummm delicious.

On a non whining note, It's Papa Kings birthday, so in honor of the big guy, everyone should have fried chicken for lunch (or dinner) and at least 2 slices of pie. I am finishing up mine right now.

In the meantime, Im going to hop over to Tiffany's and look at the warm warm Jamaica pictures and pretend I'm on the beach. Studying of course with a fruity drink in my hand with an umbrella in it..

Oh, PS. The bastards at Nikon sent my camera back, without my letter, and the kept my birthday card that was in the box. If your reading Nikon guy, I hope you get anxiety in your Christmas stocking too.

Monday, November 06, 2006

To tell or not to tell......

So the cop informs me yesterday that we are dating.

'Like boyfriend- girlfriend dating?'




Aparently this has been going on for a month.

So now my I need to tell him about the blog?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

morning race

So I had my ladies 5k this morning. Little monkeys were running around in 40 degree weather in shorts and a tee shirt. Luckily the rain stopped when the race started and it turned into a very nice day for a run......or in my case walk/run. I always volunteer to be the last one across the finish line for the team, that way I get to stay with the slowest girl, and she gets to say that she beat her coach in a race. I love to watch all of the racers... I find this pace perfect. My slowest runner happens to be my favorite too, and to cross the finish line with her was a complete honor. She has battled with motor skill problems since a car accident as a child, and it is humbling to me to watch her pace out in an awkward stride and cheer on other girls as she passes them. I teared up a good 4 times during the race watching her run.

There is a part of me that looks in a crowd as I hit the final stretch, watching the parents cheer on their kids, seeing the pros come back to cheer on the girls. It's a complete feeling. A validation of my time as the girls coach.