Monday, November 06, 2006

To tell or not to tell......

So the cop informs me yesterday that we are dating.

'Like boyfriend- girlfriend dating?'




Aparently this has been going on for a month.

So now my I need to tell him about the blog?


Amy said...

Okay we have already had this conversation and I told you this would come up! If you think he is cool enought to handle the blog, I say tell him. Just remember that he can look back at ALL previous posts. Amanda's got a secret, Amanda's got a secret....

Anonymous said...

If he is a good cop he already knows about the blog. If he's a bad cop look out for the handcuffs.

WanderingGirl said...

Hmmmm... me must think about this one. Witty answer as soon as I start to recover...

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Amanda! Hmmm... my husband reads my blog every day, but I think it's up to you whether or not you tell the cop. Nah, keep it yours. That way you can keep telling us all about the juicy details.

I haven't been by in a while... I have some catching up to do! Congrats again on the "D" word!


Anonymous said...

Okay... I just spent... I don't know... 20 or 30 minutes catching up. I even found some entries in September I had missed (damn those bastards at Nikon!). Why is your life so funny, Amanda? I left a trail of comments for ya. Stop by my blog when you get a chance. I always enjoy your comments.

Anonymous said...

I say no, don't tell him about the blog. Ryan's right. Plus, at this point in time, no need to share everything! Keep the MYSTERY, woman! :)

WanderingGirl said...

Okay, I say don't tell him yet. A) a month isn't that long.
B) You'd be tempted to edit the truth so as not to hurt his feelings. And I want the truth!