Of all of the fine people I meet taking xrays, I thought I would share a good one with you today. Considering my blogs have been lame lately....if I even get around to typing one out that is.
So a chest x-ray looks similar to what you see on the left there. Minus the positioning errors, and massive amount of pneumonia from these that I took from the internet.
So a patient comes in with a distended belly, and his Dr. called for an abdomen/chest. Real character this guy. Scrawny. Quick wit. Tells me if he was younger and had two nickels to rub together he'd take me dancing.
I was quick to point out he might need more then two nickels.
So I take patient history.....anything I should know about?
About 3 images into the scan, I poke my head out from behind my giant lead wall.
'Ummm. I'm looking at your images now....You want to tell me about when you got shot?!
You have bird shot pellets all over your chest.'
'Oh yea. Buddy shot me when we were hunting duck few yeaes ago.'
"Makes me think of I guy I dated once. I take it the duck got away?"
'Yea, I was more in it for the beer. Say can you see on there where my wife stabbed me?'
Sweet Jesus...'Um, not unless she left the knife behind.'
Oh the things people tell rad. tech's, PT's and medical socialworkers.... We should get together and write a book, but we would have to publish it as fiction cause nobody would believe half of it.
Should have asked him if his "buddy" was Dick Cheney.
Good point from Bakerquest.
Maybe you should skip the invite for dancing, nickels or not, since his wife found it necessary to stab him over something.
i would read that book.
and laugh again. lol
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