Did you ever read that book when you were little about the no good very bad day?
My Jetta got the window shot out by a bb last night
I was delayed leaving for Moab until 2
10 miles into Utah something blew up in the bus. And when I say blew up I seriously mean smoking duck in the engine blew up.
I had no cell service where Beck blew up.
I sat on the side of the road for an hour until I was picked up by another VW bus with a family of 4 and a 3 legged dog.
I hope that's dog's name was Lucky.
You, my girl, were simply not meant to be in Moab right now. I am sorry about broken Beck and even more sorry that you weren't able to make pancakes in the back while you waited for rescue. God bless the traveling Partridge Family and their 3 legger.... you owe them a free night of babysitting or maybe a sunday morning short stack!! Event might not have been funny, but the story last night was hilarious!! I am still snorting........
Did you leave Beck to die???
Well I guess this post proves you are still alive. Thank God it was a bus owner. Careful out there!
Brian- I'm going to go with yes, no, no and no thank you to all of the ! questions.
Wandering Girl- The dogs name was Chemo. Hum.
Ma-Putting a new engine in Beck is totally worth the price of hearing you laugh so hard you snorted.
Ryan- Hell no, Beck was on a towtruck within hours. He's the only man I have!
Amy- Not only am I still alive, but I managed to flip off a hummer as it drove by my broken bus. Still got the fight in me.
Hey Minn......I just realized that if you were heading for WP instead of Moab when this happened you could have taken a picture and captioned it "Broke Beck Mountain"! Oh, I crack me up.....
PS....my verification word is cmpfunr.... how funny is that?
Pretty much the best picture ever....
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