Um. So I pulled you over because you were speeding.
'I can not argue that fact'
(he laughs) But I'm not going to give you a ticket.
(then as soon as the words came out of his mouth a look of shock goes across his face. .....I can only conclude that after dating a cop, I now have jedi mind trick over them.)
'Whoa. You cant take that back after you said it, and I heard it!'
Well. Lets take a look at your license, registration and insurance.
'Ok, but you said I wasn't getting a ticket.'
I hand him my pile of paperwork, all the while my dog has pushed her head past the bike and
through the side of my seat to get a look at this guy out my window.

3 minutes rolls by....not that I was timing him or anything.....and another cop car , lights flashing pulls in behind him.
Oh dear god. I am about to wet my pants. Multiple cop cars, not a good sign. I'm thinking about the multiple jury summons I never went to. And frankly a few other things crossed my mind.
They both walk up to the car. Tevas head still sticking out. I'm adding up the cost of bail in my head.
'I cant believe I told you I wasn't going to write you a ticket'
I cant believe you called for backup.
He laughs and explains to me some kind of training procedure they're doing, and hands me all of my information back.
'My not getting a ticket must be some kind of 4th of July miracle then.'
Damn straight . Slow down.

I'm amazed Teva didn't try to bust it for the woods... You can't take me back! I'm not going back!!!!
That's the last we may have seen of the curly tailed white dog as she ran into the sunset! Quelle frommamge!
Only you, Minn........... Only you. Joe wants to know what you were wearing or if your eyes started to "pool up" . That always worked on him. Personally, I am betting on the whole Jedi thing. Hands down favorite though was the dualing cop cars in the rear view. Even Teva's eyes popped a little at that one. Hope you had a great weekend.
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