Tuesday, December 18, 2007

counting down the days.

The truck drivers birthday was a total hit. We rushed into Denver with all three dogs in tow, checked in, and went to the first surprise present.
It was amazing. If you never plan on doing hallucinogenics in your life, but have always wondered......go see this show.
The second night was Americas favorite Mexican comedian. He was pretty funny, but I didn't get some of the jokes when he switched from English to Spanish.....the Mexican crowd went crazy, so I'm guessing the joke got funnier.

Now we are just counting down the days until we hop on the plane and head south. Hopefully between then and now I will have found the camera chord. Not that we were allowed to take cameras into either of the shows, but the dogs are still cute.

1 comment:

WanderingGirl said...

Oh, I'm glad the trucker had a good birthday! And let's get to finding that cord... Pooh King is worried that he can't see his cousin.