I'll work with the crappy on and off internet only because I know my sister is bored out of her mind right now. It is my duty then to give her a funny story, but first lets set the scene:
I'm at work, which is now the graveyard shift on the weekends. Lots of interesting characters. Including a few that I work with. Come around one am, what is left of the skeleton crew staggers around the hospital in search of candy and conversation. I, normally have both, and in comes a new face for me, Fire red from the lab. I call her fire red from the lab because she has dyed fire red hair and she works in the lab. White coat and all with the square black glasses, in her late 40's is my quess. Now I keep it fairly dark in my department at night, I find it easier for the drunks and they in return seem to be less combative, but even with the lessened light, Fire red from the lab is sheer brightness. I'll be honest, she catches me mid boggie session in an attempt to stay awake. Full power walk she comes through the automatic doors looking for someone else I had never heard of. Trying to take the attention off of my sweet dance moves I offer her a hot tamale. She accepts and eyeballs my south africa book and the following conversation occurs.
"are you really going to africa?"
yes. In June
yes. I even comitted to buying the travel guide.
"can I ask what may be a weird favor?"
um. sure.
"will you take some of tom with you? I have bagged up his ashes in different bags so that he can travel all over."
(wow total shock, it clicks here that the company email about a spouse dying must have been Fire red from the labs husband)
um, isnt that maybe something that you want to do?
"not africa. I'll never make it there, no desire, but Tom really wanted to go" she continues while downing the box of red hots looking me dead in the eye the whole time. "just sprinkle him somewhere cool and thats that."
thats that. I dont see how I can refuse.
The rest of the night I tried to come up with the funniest way to tell the trucker about this. Around three red flies back in through the hall....
"word in the lab is your going to fiji too"