I'm alive, feeling good, except I'm pretty sure that something happened in the universe and I'm dealing with 1/4 of the hours that used to be consumed in a day.
The trucker and I cleared out and cleaned the apartment yesterday. All official now, We're living in sin. It's quite impressive how much I had crammed into that space. Many trips to the thrift store later, and I still managed 3 truck loads to the house. I was so exhausted on the last day of packing that when I hit I70 and watched something fly off the back I took in a sigh and though.....one less thing I have to unpack.

The handsome hound is trying his hardest to adjust to the sleeping arrangements.
Meanwhile, the trucker is battling what I'm guessing lab results this week will determine a parasite.
F-ing Jamaica, the gift that just keeps on giving.

As far as school goes I learned in my mock registry that taking the REAL registry hung over is not a good idea. Somewhere around #84 the headache creeped on, and then around #113 I contemplated stopping where I was at and taking a nap. Yikes. Luckily in my heart of hearts I know that my score will be better next time based on the fact that I will not be drunk from 1-84.
Stupid box wine and good friends.
So I'll try to be better with keeping updates, and maybe soon I'll unpack the camera and give some new pictures. 71 days till graduation. 71 days
Chris says... Glad to see you are still alive. Thought you forgot about the blog, then realized... wait... I think she has a real life. About that living arrangement... I'm sure it is just to save rent money :p I can think of a few peaple who have pass on, who would have some real funny input on the situation. Anyway, I am happy to see you are well. Take care and blog when you can.
Is that really you?
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