Soon enough I won't be able to breath, let alone take a trip. So I've decided to pack them all in now. In fact I'm going to take 3 days off before school starts for a bus trip if you want to go. It will be next week....maybe you should buy your plane ticket now. We can talk about that later if you want, but most everyone is invited.....
As for yesterdays adventure, Liz and I took a ride up over the monument to the Potholes. People actually jump off these rocks into the water. Don't believe me? Take a look at this crazy bastard.

We didn't know those guys, but I'm betting low brain cell count and high alcohol levels.
The ride up was awesome. I got to work a bit on Beck yesterday (and by work I mean I put oil in the bus....). That boy runs like a champ all juiced up on testosterone.
Teva, as always, is on 24/7 kill squirrel mode.
We made it out alive, and since that was then end of MY weekend, it's back to breathing into paper bags for me.
I won't go into any great detail....but does anyone have any ideas on how I can FAIL for financial aid?
wow....it's like you were there....
Love the "welcome" mat out in front of Beck's door. Smart Cookie.... evidently a good time for grabin' squirrels everywhere, cause the farm posse got 2 this week. Ahhhhhhhhh, country livin'. Mother advice for the week... Keep breathing in the bag and don't jump!
Oh, crap! I read this too late! Ah, well, I can't afford plane tickets to anywhere these days...
What do you say: Fall break in Bavaria? We'll even sweep up the cat hair dust bunnies out from under the futon for ya!
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