Well the apartment has emptied out, and with the exception of the occasional sneeze from cat dander, they left no trace that they were here. My sister is a blast. Case closed. If you don't have one, I recommend running out right now and getting one for yourself.
In a boo hooo hooo my sister is gone tantrum, Liz called and drug me out for a 2 hour tour. Now NORMALLY I would tell you where we went. But selfishly I'm not going to. Why you ask? Because I want it all to myself. Bruuhha ha ha. The secret stash. Ok ok, that is selfish of me. How about this...If you show up here, I'll take you. Blindfolded in the bus.
There was a bit of the trail that was overgrown. It would have helped if I had packed the machete to bush wack our way through, but like a dope I forgot. About 3 steps in you could hear the hum of the bees. I turn and ran back out. 'Liz. There are bees. How far to the mines?'
'20 minutes'
'Ok. I'm going in' (I put on everything I can to cover up biteable skin and take a deep breath.)
'Liz, don't run. Be one with the bees. The zen of bee.'
(oh yes, so wise for such young grasshoppers)
The bonus was at the other side was this......
Then the trail turned white from the quartz. Really it did.
We were getting close.
Everything turned white and pink and it was HUGE. To get an idea, Look at the picture below and find the dog. Found her? Ok. Now I was only half way up.
Then it happened.
There was a noise.
And some russeling.
And as we looked down below us, you could see something moving through the thick brush across the cravos from us. Something big. I think it was a puma.
My first thought is....This bum hip is going to get me eaten by a mountain lion. Everyone knows that in the wild they attack the weakest link. I thought about pushing Liz over the side and running. I'm just kidding Liz. (I am totally not kidding everybody.) So we didn't stick around to see what it was.
It was nerve racking. I won't lie. I felt better once I realized how calm my dog had gotten later heading back. I swear. That dog will find water in a desert. The only water on the entire hike, in a rock crack no less, and she squeezed herself into it and layed down.The rest of the hike I was taking pictures like a Chinaman at Disneyland.
Then there was the snake.....I mean python. Of course I had just made the comment earlier that I hadn't seen a snake since I was a kid, then I have to go and step on one. Well, not on it, but damn close enough that the snake and I made eye contact and both screamed. The running came instinctually. I look over to my right and Liz is shoulder to shoulder with me arms pumping, dust flying behind us 'I heard you scream, and saw you take off..... Why are we running?'
'Snake' (I barely get out from the lack of air in my lungs.) And right then and there she passed me, into mock speed no less.
I should have pushed her off the cliff when I had the chance.
i am so getting a bus
that settles it
Hi, Amanda! I'm so glad you had such a nice time with your sister! I need to get me one of those!
And your hike with Liz... I understand... I keep certain things to myself as well, but I can't help but wonder! It looks rather Arizona-ish, I'm not so sure about New Mexico or Colorado... I've never been to Utah so it could be Utah. The red rocks look Sedona-ish, but I don't see any ceramic Budda statues. So I guess I'll just have to drive my little bug over there!
On days like these I am wishing I would have been as smart as you and had chosen Blogger! MSN really pulled a fast one on us all this week, and I swear I feel like a junior high kid hanging out on MY Space now, trying to see how many people they can get on their friends list. And, I've gotten two really nasty comments (don't worry -- I shut them both down pretty quickly, not be deleting but by letting everyone else see how mean they are) this week.
So don't be surprised if you see me over on Blogger some day! MSN is becoming too much DRAMA for me lately! I just want to blog! That's all!!!
This is absolutely one of your best and funniest posts EVER!!!! I love that you and Tiffany are so fabulous together.... makes my heart dance, but ache a little too. So far away from the Mother-ship. Your secret place is one I am willing to be blindfolded for when I come west next time. A most excellent choice of adventure sites to kick the "my sister's gone" blues Miss Liz. Well done. I love you Minn.......
I know where your super secret spot is...but don't worry, Ill take all relevant information concerning said spot to my grave. Nice blog!
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
John Muir
Mr. I'm about to be checked into therapy
Sativa is so smart...I swear she gets smarter by the day. You probably could have fit in there with her. Put that on the list of places you will take the Stevenson's when we visit. :o)
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