Then I pull through the parking lot and am quick to find that I have little to no brakes. The ride was just raised to a higher level on the Xbox. I do the Tokyo Kick Slide around the corner to the stop light and look up under my hoodie to see a bike I recognize. Wait a second. That's not my stalkee. There is no way in the 3 seconds that I saw him at the library that he has unlocked his bike and beat me to the light....this is someone totally different. Then something other then the torrential downpour hits me. I've been stalking two completely different men. I guess I'll retract my previous statement about being really good at this.

By the time I got to the house my Marmot rain jacket had kept my back and chest dry, but every other inch of my body was soaked. I was resembeling a wet shaking puppy at the pound. The dog was having a thunderstorm panic attack, and I was still laughing about my poor stalking abilities as I crawled into a pair of old sweat pants.
I spent the rest of the night looking over radiographic positioning, and trying to convince Sativa that she did not have to sit on my lap to protect me from the storm.
I guess I'll concentrate on my studies and leave the stalking to Dog the Bounty Hunter
Let's play Elimi-Stalkee. Game rules:
1) Continue stalking both dudes.
2) Try to find out weird stuff about both.
3) Post on blog.
4) Let your friends, family, and other bloggers vote.
5) Choose the other guy. We've got poor taste.
Game on.
I agree with Tif - this is also a great way for us married chicks to live vicariously through a single one... there were some things fun about being single!! (I'm not the only married chick reading your blog, am I??)
- Tif's friend, apple crisp girl
PS - don't be creeped out that I'm a total stranger to you and reading your blog... your sis talked very highly of your blog so I checked it out. Have to say - both King girls have great story-telling abilities!!
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