So lean close and I'll tell you a secret.
I've decided that since I would have an easier go at teaching a fish to ride a bicycle then I would of maintaining a health dating relationship......

I've taken up stalking.
I'm quite good at it..
Except my stalkee missed class this morning, which is really unacceptable in my book as far as his commitment level goes.
I like how I can sabotage a relationship without even having one.
Oooh, almost tempting to send you my camera. Except then I might miss a mullet opportunity. Ooooohhh, are you stalking someone just for his mullet? You would win if your boyfriend had a mullet. I have to go back to the fair now. There's a carnie with my number written all over him. Or at least it will be written on him by the end of the night.
Oh nooooooooooooooooo... not another youngen'!?!?! You must find "age appropriate" toys.
Maybe your stalker is smart and he can help you with the class...wait a minute, he wasn't in class. That's okay the best looking ones are usually not the smartest.
OK, Ms. Stalker...
I actually came by to recommend a few yoga-related thingies that I have found help in easing stress and headaches. I thought you might want to try 'em yourself... and it looks like you're in the middle of a bad headache now (well, actually, hope it's gone by now! I have a dull migraine today as well...) I use them during relaxation pose during yoga, either after yoga or just for 10 minutes in savasana anytime I need it.
Anyway, I've written about them on my blog, but in case you haven't seen 'em, here are the three:
1. Still Point Inducer
this one is based on cranial sacral therapy, so you might want to have some knowledge of what C.S. Therapy is first. I know its not a replacement for a person, but until I can afford real therapy again, it's better than nothing. This was actually developed by Dr. John Upledger himself, and mimics cranial sacral therapy.
2. Real Ease
This one's great at easing neck tension!
3. Yoga massage balls by Rodney Yee.
This includes a 30 minute DVD and shows you several ways you can use these 3 balls (no 7th grade humor-based comments here, PLEASE!!!) to do an at-home massage. It definitely works!
Hope this helps your stress and headaches!
Your blogging buddy,
p.s. I have no problem with women going after younger men, if he is in fact a younger man. I have a long-standing tradition of doing it myself!
Oh, Crap!!!
One more thing!!!
I don't know if you have seen, but I'm having a "guest blogger" contest on my site. Everyone/anyone can email me ( anything original of their own they would like to see posted on my blog. This could be photos they took (I know... sore subject...archival ones are fine, as are photos of mullets -- true art!!!), drawings, essays they wrote, WHATEVER. The deadline is this Sunday or Monday (I'm posting "winners" on Tuesday on my blog.)
I know you are busy, but if you would like to enter, please do!!!
that explains a lot.
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