Friday, December 29, 2006

The view from the top

Taking off tomorrow to go see the Zoo. 3 birthdays in 5 days. Two of them have ages that are divisible by 5, so two people (not me) are slated to throw up. Then New Years in Charlotte with Daniel the Neighbor Kid, the NC mountains, then farm, then plane. May not see you guys till next year. So until then.....enjoy the view from the top....

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Last night I got the chance to meet up with my old school buddy Martha. We sat up watching classic movies, quoting lines, drinking wine. It was very similar to how we hung out 10 years ago, with the addition of the huge flat screen TV and more appreciative taste for good wine. We talked life, love, wine, all the while in mid sentence stopping to quote a line or two from Pretty Woman as it played in the background. The last thing I remember saying as I pointed my wine glass at the screen......'Yea know, this doesn't really happen....There is no guy in a limo climbing up the fire escape....There is no GUY in the front YARD holding up a boom box. Why have we watched this for ten years? It has totally screwed with my reality of relationships.' Yikes. (like I can really blame this craziness on the film industry. Wait. Did I wake up in the barn?! Noooooo. Gunner and I had a good game of Horsey tag in the field. Mom videoed...personally I think she was waiting for something tragic, I mean funny to happen so she could send it into Funniest home Videos. Or possibly to show the Dr. when he askes...'how did this happen?'....actually, we have it all on tape...
(I'll show you thie pictures from mom and I's hike in the next few days......but notice that there ARE pictures)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Farm Life

Killing some time here at the farm, relaxing, sleeping, eating pie. Sleeping....and eating more pie. Yesterday was a personal best.....5 pieces of pie in 1 day. I am a freak of nature, I know. But trust's good pie. The sun has finally come out after a few days of clouds and scattered showers... Just in time for me to get some playing in before I head out to see my sweetest girl and of course her parents too.....

Sunday, December 24, 2006

United Frequent Liar

Yes, yes, I finally made it out of DIA, and flew into Carolina at about 1am this morning. Tiff picked me up, and after about a dozen high kicks, the dog and I hoped in the car with my sweet sister. Denver was a MESS. I was there 4 hours early, and stood in a security line that wrapped all the way around the airport....twice. Now you have to know here that I have already lied to numerous people about why MY dog doesn't have to go into a cage until right before the flight.... You see I have this..... Condition......... That my dog can sense before it occurs........ Straight to hell I know. But I couldn't stop there, nooooooo. Once I checked her in and was standing in the longest line of my life (except maybe for the one that I'll face in hell) I started in on my profession. You see Matt had let me borrow a carry on bag in Boulder since I haven't been home in....well since I took finals. So he gives me an Olympic Athlete carry on, which started my next session of lies. I became a professional athlete for 2 hours in a line at DIA. For the winter Olympics. In the loge. Skeleton to be exact. Which I don't know why I do it because it scares the hell out of me every time, and half way down the run I think I'm never going to do it again. But I do. Because I love the adrenaline rush so much. I sure do hope Satan likes my sense of humor.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Well it's obvious that the snow gods missed me isn't it?

I haven't been home since I finished my finals, I have 4 days worth of clothes and I'm flying home with the dog for two weeks. That is if I can make it to the airport on Saturday. But don't you worry about me. There is nowhere better to be when you get 3 feet of snow then a ski town.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Like butter dripping off a hot biscuit

Well it's been a whirwind of days, and I'm still flying around in the cosmos of it all, so please.....excuse my current absence.

I've spent the last few days in Boulder, relaxing with the break from school (3.2 final GPA), and sitting drinking with friends.

It's amazing what you'll eat when you've had one too many.....

My law stuff went well, and I am happy to say that part of my life is over and done with. Now if we can all point and laugh at the dumb ass that broke up with me a week before a settlement conference. Big loss on Christmas presents buddy.


So now you may be thinking......What's a girl to do when there isn't the pressure of school, a lawsuit, and work to fret about? Well folks, she comes out of retirement.......

Absolutely fabulous. My new friend Erin was my partner in crime, and like a blessing from Buddha, about an hour into the day, the clouds rolled in and the snow began to fall. And fall. And fall. And each time I would get to the top of the lift, it would be a whole new ride of fresh snow. Like riding butter with a hot knife.

Pow pow. How I missed you.

I'm in Vail now, killing some time before I hop a plane and fly south for the winter. Sitting in a hot tub most of the time because lets face it.......two years off, just makes the body yell two times louder.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Were going streaking!!!!

So yesterday was the end of the semester....finished with my physics of radiology exam, and I passed. Well...I'm not 100% on that final, but I passed the class.....I think.

Anyways, last night was filled with laughter and food and toasts and lots and lots of beer. I don't think I have ever seen 18 people be more giddy. And pretty unanimously, everyone just wanted to sleep over the break.

As for me, my headache and I are packing the Jeep this morning for our trip across the mountains. Christmas plans are still up in the air....I have about 5 different invites if I don't sail out in a plane. But between you and me......I that plane ride sounds like a damn good idea.

Monday, December 11, 2006

3 Down, Two to Go.
Even the giant skeleton that jumped out of my closet last night can't slow me down. Silly skeleton.......It's different now, I'll just take you down bone by bone until your a little pile of appendages on my floor.

Friday, December 08, 2006

bad idea

Just because I'm not a great cook, does not mean that I should have to sit at the bake sale booth for the Radiology Club. I think it's possible that we lost money. I ate one of everything that we sold......

How do I sell cookies you ask? I yell at people.....

'Hey! (and they turn around) Do you have a quarter?' And they dig through their pocket and hand me a quarter.

"great, here is a cookie"

"hey, do you have a quarter?"


Pssssttt! It's me, the sister! I've hijacked Amanda's blog to tell you all we missed a very important landmark. December 2 was Amandaland's first blogaversary! Go see how it all started...

Can you believe the girl has come this far?

Good job little seester!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Secret Revealed

Ok. I have a confession. One that will make the story below even more so intriguing for you blogging voyeurists out there.

You know who you are.

Anyway. My secret.

I completely lack the ability to hawk a luggie. Much to the disappointment of my farm raised family, I can not. My father is shamed by this I know. This lack of lugie hawking has lead me in this past week, to gag the second I cough, and anything hits my throat I soon throw up.
Say like at work. Where they wouldn't let me call in sick despite my appearance, I wound up gagging into the kitchen trash can until I can spit up a big wad of the nastiness residing in my lungs. Oh yea, and did I mention that I blew my nose so much that the blood vessels in my nose bust, so I bleed everytime I blow? Good stuff.

So your following me now right? You can picture the red crusty nose and pale, I've been living off of cereal all week and have zero nutrition value right now look right?


Which leads me to today. When I wake up and feel much better then the past 5 days. Sweet. (I think to myself) I go to class. Chauffeured by Dan, who brings me cookies at 7:30 in the morning baked by his wife. It's going to be a better day. Despite my appearance, The Cookies Have Spoken.

I get a 100 on my anatomy test, and pass my physics quiz with flying colors.

Good lord it looks like being sick and forcing myself to read since I couldn't move off of the couch all week is really paying off!

And then I go to my chiropractor appointment. And I walk through the door in my sweat pants and red nose, and the place is packed, and there is one chair left and look!!!!

Its right next to Ponches mom.

Oh sweet jesus. We all remember that the last time I saw this woman I stole the falcon from her house right? And her son broke up with me like two days later?!


So I sit down. Of course she is super sweet like all Midwestern moms are, but the place is packed and we are there for a LOOOONG time... Then the door opens, and there is Ponches best friend......and like 2 minutes later the the bell rings and the fiance of his other best friend walks in..and we are all talking, but avoiding what everyone knows...

I lean my head back trying to drowned out the circus music in my head..

da da dada da la da da da da da
And then it happened. Leaning back shifted something in my lungs and I coughed hard, and suddenly we are all faced with my little luggie secret. I gag. And I jump. And the bathroom is of course occupied, and the office is not that big, and now I'm throwing up the mother of all luggies in the hallway trash can. No one could see it, but I'm sure the sound effects in the waiting room were outstanding.
It appears that the circus has me as the headlining attraction.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


I'm still sick, so I'm trying the laughter medicine thingy

*cough cough*