So this week ended my 'summer break' and started my 'slave to the medical man'. Decked out in all white I hit the doors on Monday at 6am, and pretty much everything since has been a bloody blur. Part of the program I'm in, rotates the students through each of the
radiologic modalities, in case you want to specialize after you graduate. I started my summer in CT. Bloody
trauma CT. I think it's safe to say that this one is not my favorite. Even though I lake the pace, and I like the information, when I walked back out the automatic glass doors later on the first day my brain constantly kept processing.....did I really just see that?
By the end of the week I walked out with a sore throat and runny nose passes around the CT department. On the plus side I did not walk out with the flesh eating virus that I saw earlier that week. I have another week in CT, but in a different hospital, one without an active ER.
Until then
I'm going to work on drying up this runny nose and unplugging my ears. The watery glaze that covers my eyes....well, that may take just a few more days.
Family get togethers are going to get more and more interesting! Ryan will be shouting and objecting to everything, Tiff will be spouting lingo to heal all of our infirmaties and you will sound like a busy night on ER.....
Mom....pass the corn please
Ryan...I object! I wanted asparagus!
Tiff...Straighten your arm when you lift that bowl or you'll strain your....
Minn...If you strain your...I will have to position it like "this" to take the x-ray and that's not easy!
All I want is everyone at the table and maybe a little corn.
I thought Mom wanted us all to get along.
Yea......get along and pass the corn.
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