It snowed while I was in Winter Park....of course. But nothing beats these views.
Then I was reminded that putter putter zoom zoom has no clearance. Oh yea.....not driving a jeep anymore.

Amy gets massive thanks for all of the Jetta repair while I was there.
The trails were great, and the chilly weather was a good cool down. Remember Abby the wonder pup? Shes quite the good girl
now. And Max the wild man that I used to babysit? Still a wild man.

Then I went to Vail where I worked on my karaoke skills at a friends going away party. Had a little too much of a rockstar time there. Pretty sure there might be a noise ordinance now with my name on it.
I would have sent this via email; but, didn't have one for you.
I love the tag line at the top of your blog.
"Where the fear is---- thats where the good stuff is found."
Can I borrow that as one of my status lines? I know I don't have to ask. But, it is the polite thing to do.
It will work well with some of my other status messages.
Life is short. It is up to you to make it sweet.
Dare to dream, for in dreams all things are possible.
Believe in yourself. After that everything is easier.
Don't let what you can NOT do interfere with what you CAN do.
Happiness is like perfume. It's hard to share with others without getting a little on yourself.
How wonderful to see those beautiful faces together again! WP was home to some wonderful memories and I am happy that I knew that place. I would still move into Betsy's cabin on the river in a heartbeat!! I am glad that you had such a lovely happy time. Good luck with the internship.......
how many times can this poor car have her guts ripped out?
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