ahhhh. No exams. No 8am classes. No papers to write. No nothing to do for the next week.
Then of course I start at 6am at a new hospital.......boooooooooo.
Yesterday as I was leaving the lake, windows down, sunroof open...I caught a whiff of the most nauseating something in the air. Dear sweet Jesus! Seriously gagging. 4 miles later it hadn't blown past and I looked to the back of the car to see the culprit. Ummm hummmm. Worst
smell ever coming from wagging tail white dog. She rolled in the worst something that I have ever smelled.....and that includes the time she rolled in bear shit on a Montana road trip.

Smelly got a bath not 1, not 2, but 3 times!
In other news, a potential engine has been located for Beck the mighty wonder bus. I'll keep you posted, but fingers crossed, the boy will be home soon!