Yesterday Heather and I met for lunch to celebrate me finishing my fist exam. We had gone to the giant junk store downtown earlier this week, laughing hysterically at everything there. She tried to get me a macrome plant holder.
I had a beer and fish tacos. She had a philly cheese steak and raspberry tea. I went to class...and an hour later she went to the hospital.

What was in that tea?!?!

Sawyer and Fletcher screamed
their way into the world at around 6 last night.
Sawyer 3 lbs 5 ounces
Fletcher 5 lbs 2 ounces
Fletcher is getting a little bit of air from a respirator, I think just to get a jump on lung capacity for future bike rids. But both boys and mama are doing unbelievably well.

Welcome baby boys
What a miracle! Congrats to the entire family. Now...... aren't you glad you passed on the tea?
1) Congrats to Mr and Mrs, those are some good lookin' boys with awesome names
2) I'm glad everyone is happy and healthy
3) Looking at her belly makes my cooter hurt. Have I mentioned I'm never having babies?
God bless her.
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