Even with the month off I still don't blog!!
Somewhere in my travels have misplaced the camera upload cord. Don't fret my pets, you can go see Tiffany for a good ole fashion photo montage.
As for me, I've been hanging out a lot with a trucker. Guilty. Judge away. Tonight we are going with Amy and Devon to the derby. Umm redneck fun. I'm packing bush lite....
When I sober up in the morning I'll be off to Winter Park to run in the ACS Relay for Life this weekend. Hours and hours of running at night....hummmm. I have to stop agreeing to do things while under the influence of tasty adult beverages.
I'm hoping as I unpack and repack that the camera cord will magically reappear. If not I promise to pick one up in Denver on my way home.
I'm going to jump to the conclusion that this is a "crash-up" derby, and not one with horses, aka, the Kentucky Derby.
Bet on the one that looks like the old LeMans!
PS... my word verification is ptaoil... like what the PTA ladies use on their face instead of Oil of Olay!
hey there, Amanda! haven't been by in a bit... glad to see you're having great roadtrip fun... American style!!! Must admit I've never heard of Carhenge before! Victor and I have been festing it up German style over here with the huge Bavarian pretzels and Drindl! enjoy the rest of your roadtrip!
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