Wow, a whole day where I didn't have to cook a thing except for the cat and dogs food! Must have been my good karma from not killing tiffs cat last night. Ozfest and Pooh are here on winter break as Tiffany is in Steamboat skiing. Poor Oz, (who was locked out of my bedroom due to allergies....and her biting noses while your asleep thing) Oz was positive that there was a party going on in my room and tried to claw her way through the carpet. 1 am I was spraying No Scratch spray on the carpet, which really didn't deter her too much from crying.....
So I started my first day of work with not so much sleep and a good set of bags under my eyes. It was exactly how I hoped it to be AND included brunch! What a deal. Then tonight Adrian's family (aka 'the mormons') invited me to dinner. Those of you who know me best know that I have never (and will never) turn down a meal cooked by someone's mom, regardless of the religious beliefs. Turns out that Adrians dad has been a radiology tech for 17 years at St. Marys hospital. Coincidently knows the board members who choose the 18 students every year for the program....... Interesting.
On Sundays after dinner they discuss their week, and the upcoming week, and what they should pray for.....and I'm kind of concentrating on counting the flowers on my teacup when I hear
'Amanda, what is coming up this week for you?'
'huh? Oh, um I have to skin a cat' (eyes immediatly close. damn, so close)
'Oh. Well. I guess we can all try to include Amanda in our prayers that her um cat skinning in uh anatomy goes well'
Excellent. I barely made it out of there without getting a good case of the uncontrollable church giggles myself.
What a beautiful drive home
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Awwwaaa TK!
Hey there kids it's Tiffs birthday! I called her this morning to have the phone answered in the following way (give it a beat like your rapping) 'It's my birthday, it's my birthday, I'm 31, an old lady, it's my birthday, the old lady, do you like, the way I work it?' Now normally in our family there is a 'hey peppy peppy birdlegs song'. I think (but the memory may be made up on this one), but I think that peppy birdlegs originated from a Mexican restaurant where the song happy birthday sung by a Mexican Meriocchi band came out sounding more like Hey Peppy Peppy Birdlegs. In my family, crazy shit like that sticks. So lets give a Peppy birdlegs cheer for Tiffany and the way she works it!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Sucking up unemployment
Well, I'm happy to announce that after this week I will officially be off unemployment. Now considering the company that I worked for, fired me after they received lawsuit papers, I don't feel TOO bad about taking them for unemployment wages while I relocated. But now that I'm here and only going to school 2 days a week, my cake life has to turn to jello pudding sometime. (note still both delicious, just one is sweeter then the other) Apparently liking beer is a good qualification to work in a brewery. And with the beautiful art sculptures set up through downtown, If I can surround myself in artwork I won't feel like a sell out from the art pimp community. Hey, maybe I can get someone drunk and sell them the giant frog........Or better yet, sell tickets to ride the buffalo!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Crazy is finally getting me places
Wow. Who thought my crazy would get me this far?! School started yesterday bright and early at 8am. Being the anxiety nerd that I am I couldn't sleep and was up at 5 am to walk the dog in the pitch black. Class is cool. I get to wear a lab coat. On the down side I also have to wear my old lady glasses, so I'm really working the lab nerd look. I made a poor decision in judgment asking a girl in my class if she was a child prodigy.....Swear she doesn't look a day over 13.....Turns out I'm just 10 years older then everyone else, and I turn around to realize everyone in class looks like a child prodigy to me. Sweet, where did I set down my old lady glasses?
Oh there on my new desk!!! (the price is right is on in the living room so you have to say my new desk like Bob is pulling back the curtain) Check out the study, complete with flowers from mom and dad (bc they love me the most) And the posters of body parts for the anatomy class which probably freeked out the kid who hooked up the internet today. Oh well. I can refer him to a great psychiatrist. Now it's time for me to get some studying done....
Monday, January 23, 2006
I'm a closet nerd with anxiety issues
Don't ask me why because I have no idea why I do somethings. Like wake up at 6am to complete a 'dry run' of getting to school on a completely perfect cold day to sleep in. Eating, get the dog walked, time myself riding the bike (6minutes, including locking and unlocking), walking (13.8 minutes at a quick pace). Noticing a bike shop on the way in case I blow a tire (I could drop it off and run to class..22minutes?), finding class. Riding home (freezing.....I think that would only take 7 minutes, so luckily I'm only mostly frozen as I come through the door) I realize that I will never be that person that you see running down the hall in disarray..
For those of you who have never seen it, my favorite website posts every Sunday.
I think my legs are thawed out now......time to organize my books and folders.....nerd
For those of you who have never seen it, my favorite website posts every Sunday.
I think my legs are thawed out now......time to organize my books and folders.....nerd
Friday, January 20, 2006
Do you have a.......
Check this place I continue on my hunt for a school desk, I came across this 'collector'. I'm sure that there was a buried desk in there...... somewhere. If you click on the picture you can see at the end of the isle the collection of very old Playboy Magazines. Those boobs are like 80 years old now. Nice. I have to say though, that after I get the desk....and a job.....I am totally going back for the pair of red cowboy boots.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Sweet Jesus!!
Ok. Where do I even start with this one? Lets go with the ending and go backwards. Last night I unknowingly wound up at a Mormon Mary Kay party. Yea. True story. Considering at the beginning of the night I was sitting in the Taco Bell parking lot waiting to meet up with a girl I met at yoga. We were 'going to one of her friends house, who was working on facials and makeovers, and needed some practice for her portfolio.' Ok sure, I don't wear makeup, but I checked my schedule, and it was wide open, so I thought why not? (In hindsight I have about six answers to the why not question.) Now, to be fair, as I was sitting in the car watching the local meth deal go down in the taco bell parking lot, the thought actually crossed my mind that I didn't know this person, and I could have just signed myself up for some twisted swinger fest. And later, as my face was covered in a microderm abrasion mask, six layers of skin later, and listening to a conversation on something called book 5 and someone's upcoming 'testing', I was really thinking that the lesbian swinger night wouldn't have been so bad. Now to be fair, these people were really nice, and the situation would not have been so bad, say....had I been under the influence......
When I got home I told Cookie the story, she was rolling on the floor (first at the amount of bronze glowing foundation I had on, and then at the speed I had running down the hall to the bathroom to wash my face) We sat up and drank beer to calm the burning of my poor sensitive skin, literally throbbing with every heartbeat. Teva had one to many and fell asleep after dressing up as an angel. She is one funny dog.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Poor Frank
ok. Some things are too funny not to share. I'm in the coffee shop, still hacking into the internet bc Grand junction is slow as molasses on hook up. Anyways, as Im standing at the delivery counter this guy comes up to me and the following conversation happens:
him (he looks like a frank, so I make a snap decision and decide that's his name) Frank: hey
me: hi
Frank: wow it's cool that you came, ya know, that you made it
me: (confused, but a smart ass) yea, it was touch and go there for a while, but I finally made it out of the house
Frank: so I got us a table
me: ummmmm, no thanks
Frank: wait, Karen, I thought we would
me: Im not Karen
Frank: really?
me: really.
frank: but I thought?
me: sorry frank, Im not Karen.
Frank: who's frank?
(later, frank walks into the room, and the girl at the table next to me on a laptop (streched out earrings, tattoos and punked up dyed black hair....I swear to god I'm not making this up) looks up at him and says what must be his real name. (obviously his real name bc he stops when he hears it and looks over. He looks panicked, looks at her, looks at me, looks back, she gets up and I can't help but shake my head & laugh......poor frank)
him (he looks like a frank, so I make a snap decision and decide that's his name) Frank: hey
me: hi
Frank: wow it's cool that you came, ya know, that you made it
me: (confused, but a smart ass) yea, it was touch and go there for a while, but I finally made it out of the house
Frank: so I got us a table
me: ummmmm, no thanks
Frank: wait, Karen, I thought we would
me: Im not Karen
Frank: really?
me: really.
frank: but I thought?
me: sorry frank, Im not Karen.
Frank: who's frank?
(later, frank walks into the room, and the girl at the table next to me on a laptop (streched out earrings, tattoos and punked up dyed black hair....I swear to god I'm not making this up) looks up at him and says what must be his real name. (obviously his real name bc he stops when he hears it and looks over. He looks panicked, looks at her, looks at me, looks back, she gets up and I can't help but shake my head & laugh......poor frank)
Saturday, January 14, 2006
The Grand Junction Yoga festival is this weekend. So I woke up this morning, put on my yoga outfit (yes, there is an outfit) and signed myself up for three classes. I figured that it was the perfect thing to loosen up my body from the bike and swim yesterday.....*note to self: don't do those two things hard in the same day no matter how bored you are*****So the yoga was really fun, and relaxing, and then I pulled a muscle in class 3. (Picture a nice quiet room where suddenly someone belts out an uncontrollable 'aaahhggghhh'.) I did manage to keep from yelling 'man down man down!' even though I really wanted to as I collapse into the fetal position on the mat.
When I got back to the house Teva was quick to show me where I went wrong in the down dog position.....showoff. But I got a free week of Birkram Yoga (Yoga in a hot room....I think it's called birkram...) Here is cookie on the couch being supportive of my foolishness. What a good dog.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Whooo hoooo! The camera cord has arrived! Here are some backtracking pictures. These two were taken from the jeep as I drove out of Winter Park. Wow, what a difference from where I'm at now. I'm finding Grand Junction to be a slightly off center place....set in the 80's. There are a lot of old chevy novas and cutlass supremes driving around....(at the intersection earlier I looked around in amazement that I had the newest car) and I have yet to leave the house without multiple mullet sightings. In fact, I'm going to make up a Grand Junction history story and say that the town was founded in 1984 after a Whitesnake concert let out. I'm sure it will change a lot once more students come into town.....But with the 80's look fighting it's way into the fashion world......Oh god where have I moved to? Here is Matt and Kelly (and baby Locklan is asleep in the baby holder thing) Matt looks gassy and Kelly looks drunk, but I swear that's not the case. They stopped off on there way to San Fran with their friend Will. Locklan is such a sweet baby. Talks nonstop (I think he got that from his mama). Shockingly I didn't take any pictures of him because I refused to put him down to go look for the camera. Shocking.I call this picture 'White dog on Campus'. She is such a good girl, waiting patiently as I run from building to building.
We woke up for the morning outing today to what I guess Grand Junction considers snow.....It was more like little tiny white balls (imagine white nerds candy all over) Teva gave me this look like 'Um, seriously, how am I supposed to roll in this?'
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
School days school days.....
So it's been a busy week......Still no internet access at the house, so I'm back to hanging out with the bums outside the coffee shop. Lets recap on the funny parts of the week.....
Yesterday I went and got my school ID and books for class. Damn, 2 classes, 4 books, and it went over $400.00 . These books should carry me to class for that price. My school ID is completely hysterical. (I would put in a picture, but I still don't have the cord, it's being held by the post office bc of Tiffany's outburst at christmas time. See Tiffs blog for her side of the story ) Anyways, after running from this building to that building for a piece of paper that I needed here to get to there, and then of course I couldn't get there from here and on and on. Finally I sit down on the stool to take the picture expecting a 'one two three' or 'say cheese'....something. And the kid says 'ok' and I say 'huh?' and somewhere between the 'h and the uh' the picture was taken (no click, no flash) and I was done. Poor guy hands me the ID, looks at me and says 'well, it's not my best work'. Yea. The only thing missing from the picture is me in a trucker hat that says Who Farted?
Yesterday I went and got my school ID and books for class. Damn, 2 classes, 4 books, and it went over $400.00 . These books should carry me to class for that price. My school ID is completely hysterical. (I would put in a picture, but I still don't have the cord, it's being held by the post office bc of Tiffany's outburst at christmas time. See Tiffs blog for her side of the story ) Anyways, after running from this building to that building for a piece of paper that I needed here to get to there, and then of course I couldn't get there from here and on and on. Finally I sit down on the stool to take the picture expecting a 'one two three' or 'say cheese'....something. And the kid says 'ok' and I say 'huh?' and somewhere between the 'h and the uh' the picture was taken (no click, no flash) and I was done. Poor guy hands me the ID, looks at me and says 'well, it's not my best work'. Yea. The only thing missing from the picture is me in a trucker hat that says Who Farted?
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Sunny Junction
Well, if I could post a picture I would, but I forgot the cable in SC, so until the mail comes, I can't. So you'll have to take my word for it, it is so beautiful outside! Cookie and I have been in GJ 2 days now. We found this little coffee shop this morning downtown with wireless, so I've taken up residence next to a bum in the sunshine. (true) He has on red ski bibs, I had a green pair just like them in SC (Amy will remember.) We discussed the post office hours. I thought that it would be open....he's walking back now and doesn't look happy....I guess I was wrong.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Smokin Panties
For some of you this will be difficult to understand. Right now......Right as Im typing....I am having to microwave a pair of my panties. Why you ask? Because I'm on a super secret stealth mission & must have hot pants? No. Because Im in freeze your ass off Winter Park and forgot to bring my overnight bag in & froze them solid. Dang!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Quiet ending
Check it out, it's the jedi. I wasn't even sure if she would come across on film but she did. Tiffany and I had dinner there last night for my birthday. It was beautiful.
So now I'm off on my own this morning. It's sad. Even the sunrise is quiet. I miss tiffany, oz and pooh king. (and amy and neal and gracie, but there was aparently some confusion on exactly who i was missing)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Round 1
Today has me reflecting on a lot. I'll spare you from the ramblings, as I don't want to come across as a blubbering bitter crazy that we all know I am. You know the basics. Now just run it over and over and over in your head until your eyeballs hurt.
Teva Marie, Aweee Pooh King and I took off this morning and watched the sun come up, it was a nice day with the exception of pooh not feeling 100%. (i think he may have gotten brave and eaten something from the back of the Jeep....we all know that's a BAD idea.....and now Pooh King knows it too). Amy and Jay were in town and stopped in for a little birthday surprise. It was awesome to see them, even if it was for just an hour or so. Luch was delicious, and the special desert plate compliments of the manager was a little much. But we ate it anyways, and now I'm on the couch with Pooh and we're both moaning about our bellys. A nap is calling, and then Tiffany will be home for round two! Wish me luck.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
oh geez. First and foremost, Tiffany is holding an online vote on her blog of where we are going to eat for my birthday. Place a vote. Frankly I'm disappointed that there isn't anything risky to choose from.
The two of us celebrated 2006 by getting what could have been found in the Burlington trailer park. We were (not kidding) in the hair washing chairs in the back room, where two foot soakers were brought in (probably from the JC Pennys home section) filled up with luke warm water and plugged in. Wheee! It was pretty funny. Tiffany sat and painted her fingernails as she was waiting for her pedicurist to arrive. This is me sitting on Tiffs lap as our matching toenail color set.
Today was Awweeee Pooh King!'s birthday. We went to the Shady McGrady Park across from the prison (yea, so not kidding). I was a little worried that the dogs were going to locate a dead body......because, ya know, the dogs and runners at the park always find the floater. Anyways, we made it out ok, and went to PetSmart for a birthday treat. Then, at Pooh King's twisted birthday request, Tiffany washed the cat.
One more new year
Tiffany and I brought in the new year (I'm back in Colorado) by taking the dogs for a run at the park. It turned into a race, Tiffany won only because she pushed the dogs and myself into the Lake. Then she did a victory lap around Starbucks as I boooed behind her. (I was booing both the race loss and the fact that she was supporting Starbucks, but mainly starbucks bc she's a cheater)
Do you have a new years resolution you ask? No, not really.
Do you have a new years resolution you ask? No, not really.
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