Today has me reflecting on a lot. I'll spare you from the ramblings, as I don't want to come across as a blubbering bitter crazy that we all know I am. You know the basics. Now just run it over and over and over in your head until your eyeballs hurt.
Teva Marie, Aweee Pooh King and I took off this morning and watched the sun come up, it was a nice day with the exception of pooh not feeling 100%. (i think he may have gotten brave and eaten something from the back of the Jeep....we all know that's a BAD idea.....and now Pooh King knows it too). Amy and Jay were in town and stopped in for a little birthday surprise. It was awesome to see them, even if it was for just an hour or so. Luch was delicious, and the special desert plate compliments of the manager was a little much. But we ate it anyways, and now I'm on the couch with Pooh and we're both moaning about our bellys. A nap is calling, and then Tiffany will be home for round two! Wish me luck.
I'd like to point out that Amanda was actually still asleep during "sunrise". When she says that she watched the sun rise, she means that she watched it go from the 10:00 to noon position1
Yeah that makes more sense Tiff...thanks for clearing that up.
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