Check this place out.......as I continue on my hunt for a school desk, I came across this 'collector'. I'm sure that there was a buried desk in there...... somewhere. If you click on the picture you can see at the end of the isle the collection of very old Playboy Magazines. Those boobs are like 80 years old now. Nice. I have to say though, that after I get the desk....and a job.....I am totally going back for the pair of red cowboy boots.
Holy Moley!!!!!!! You stepped into a black hole and were sucked back to Rockford, Ohio and Grandpa Bus' garage! And by-the- by..... I think you will look smashing in red cowboy boots. They can't help but impress your professors and improve your ability to study FAST.
Send her the money now. She needs the red boots to get a head start! Then she can click her heels and say "there's no place like the farm, there's no place like the farm."
In the words of Hanky Spanky... That would be a GREAT idea!
Ooh, ooh if you see a big Coca cola sign let me know. That kind of place always has some Coca Cola stuff.
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