Thursday, January 12, 2006


Whooo hoooo! The camera cord has arrived! Here are some backtracking pictures. These two were taken from the jeep as I drove out of Winter Park. Wow, what a difference from where I'm at now. I'm finding Grand Junction to be a slightly off center place....set in the 80's. There are a lot of old chevy novas and cutlass supremes driving around....(at the intersection earlier I looked around in amazement that I had the newest car) and I have yet to leave the house without multiple mullet sightings. In fact, I'm going to make up a Grand Junction history story and say that the town was founded in 1984 after a Whitesnake concert let out. I'm sure it will change a lot once more students come into town.....But with the 80's look fighting it's way into the fashion world......Oh god where have I moved to? Here is Matt and Kelly (and baby Locklan is asleep in the baby holder thing) Matt looks gassy and Kelly looks drunk, but I swear that's not the case. They stopped off on there way to San Fran with their friend Will. Locklan is such a sweet baby. Talks nonstop (I think he got that from his mama). Shockingly I didn't take any pictures of him because I refused to put him down to go look for the camera. Shocking.I call this picture 'White dog on Campus'. She is such a good girl, waiting patiently as I run from building to building.
We woke up for the morning outing today to what I guess Grand Junction considers snow.....It was more like little tiny white balls (imagine white nerds candy all over) Teva gave me this look like 'Um, seriously, how am I supposed to roll in this?'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda! I hope you dont mind- I linked you on my site cause I gotta read what you have written so far- Ill catch up after work. That is really bizarre about the comment you left! wow! Ill be back.