Liz and I were up this morning in another days attempt to get in some outdoor time before the sun exploded into today's high of 103.

Liz was being so hard core about what I thought was just going to be a 'nice hike' that the next thing I know, I'm getting dropped.

By the time I caught up, she was taking a break and doing sets of wall push-ups. What up hard core. Meanwhile the dog was chasing a rabbit that I'm sure probably has the plague (we actually do have that here), and got herself on the other side of a rocked out gully. See I didn't need to do the push ups to raise my heart rate....Just put me on the opposite side of a cliff from my dog as she traverses over boulders and drops down, just to be able to climb up to where we were. Poor thing, her little legs were shaking so bad by the time she made it back to us. (my little legs were moving along in time with hers) She drank over half of my camelback..and I thought for a minute that we might have to carry her. She says it was worth it, and next time we'll have rabbit plague soup for dinner to show for it.
I say my grand-puppy gets THREE Aiken's bacon cookies befor bed tonight!
dang...today in Bavaria it got up to 81 degrees Fahrenheit and it was like a heat wave -- that's about as hot as it has gotten since the real "heat wave" summer in Europe 3 years ago. But I did live in Albuquerque for one year (1999-2000), studied in Mexico and have spent fair amounts of time in Durango, CO, Tucson, AZ, and the like, so I do feel for ya...
So, I'm wondering what's goin' on with your bus situation... sorry-- maybe I shouldn't have brought that up...
Anyway, as always, I enjoy your stories. Feel free to stop by my site again sometime. I put up (what I like to think of as) an amuzing story today.
hunny you never have a dull moment do you- give cookie face a kiss for me and tell her not to eat spiders either - xoxo thelma
ps nice song I think I heard something about "making sweet love on the floor" - sweet
Teva called on her inner-goat to make it back. Pimp!
yea amy, you never know what weezer will throw in their songs.
Sativa passed out for the rest of the day.
Here's that fruit pizza recipe:
By the way, I used to always listen to music like this!
Okay--I promise! Last comment!
I just had never realized how cute the lead vocalist of weezer was-- he looks like a boy I used to have a crush on in college...
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