Oh guys I can't even believe it to be true. The mechanic called me last night while I was out with Heather at the lakehouse. He sat down and typed the bus problems and emailed them to me.
Its a very long list, with some very long digits following.
Yea. (trying not to let on that my eyes have welled up and Im sure the crying hickups are seconds away if I speak more then a few bits at a time)
Look honey. I know that you really wanted this to be ok, but I wouldn't feel safe for you to come get this and drive it home without some MAJOR repair. Had you just put the battery in and gone, you wouldn't have noticed when the fuel line busted and the bus caught on fire.
Sweet Jesus the bus caught on fire?
Just for a second. Luckily it was in the shop at the time and we were right there to put it out.
Have you paid Kevin?
Ok good. I strongly suggest that you pass on this and get out of the sale. Cut your losses before you get 20 minutes down the road from here and the bus dies, the frame falls off and your coasting to a stop because you don't have any brakes.
Yea. Ok. That would be bad. (especially if the bus was on fire at the time)
I can't beleive you found an honest mechanic. Oh Pearl, we only knew for a short time but we loved you. I have a shirt to prove it. Chin up Manda, there will be another bus and I will be there to bid on it if necessary. :o)
It just wasn't the right bus. Somewhere, there's a great bus just waiting for you. Just not on eBay.
hey I am an honest mechanic!! Hey sweets sorry about the bus- it just means when you finally find the right one it will be perfect in a quirky not so perfect way- xoxo thelma
Awww, Man! I'm sorry, Amanda!
You can come visit us in Germany and bop around in our two VWs -- I just bought a bunch of fake flowers for my bug. I know, I know, it's not a bus, but I'm sure you could find some around here...
Peace: It's not just for hippies anymore. ~Nicole
Oh Minn...
I am sorry that this wasn't the magical bus you thought it was, but I agree with everyone else that it's out there and you will find each other. Thank goodness for the honest mechanic and the ability to get out with just what it cost you to pay him. Save a little more money and look closer to GJ. Let the "bus community" know you're in the market and they will help you, I'm sure. Gosh, I was only kidding about "save the marshmallows and a weinie to put on a stick over the fire until the tow truck gets there", but maybe I was channeling a prophet.
Now, blow your nose and keep on lookin'. (but like Tiff said, not on E-bay!)
Hey lady, I have a special ed bus you can buy. HaHA I think Joel has a bus or two. HaHa
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