Its hot. Again. Even Eyore has passed out. Oh bother.
I'm finding it hard to get my exercise in. Any exercise, and that's including the 22 steps outside. Imagine trying to muster up the energy to go to a bikram yoga class where the temp in the room is a mere 2 degrees warmer then the outside temperature. Yuck. This morning I did it. (morning class is key, that way it's 10 degrees cooler outside when I leave and I can say 'ah it's nice and cool out here') Then I jump in the Jeep and blast the AC.
On a separate note:

I'm having a bug problem in the garden. Now I'm not even sure where these guys came from considering I'm on the second floor, but they are taking over my peppers. I saw them once, and told them ' If you guys stay on this 1 plant, I'll let you live and you can eat it all you want'. But no. They've gotten greedy. So I went out with Liz today and found organic bug spray. Huuummmm. Do you think that it might just be water? Spray liberally until leaf is dripping and bug is swimming away.................
Hopefully they're not stink bugs!!! Oh man, that'd stink!
If that organic remedy doesn't work I say hit them with good old chemicals and watch the little buggers die! Then wash your veggies and return to harmony with the universe.......
You're funny!
Recently I bought some alba natural lavender sunscreen and it says on the back it can double as a "natural insect repellant". Umm, not quite. I swear I have mosquitos and all sorts of buggers swarming around me, thinking I'm a tasty floral treat...
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