Where the fear is---- thats where the good stuff is found.
Pooh King is very relieve that his cousin's tail is not broken.Maybe this is the universe's way of telling you you need a weekend in! I say draw a bubble bath and grab a glass of wine. Aaaaahhh.
This last weekend Nicole and I found conclusive proof that one third of all men in Germany have mullets!! I hope you are as excited as we are over this discovery.http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a120/victor2lt/Junk/IMG_608322_resize.jpgVictor (Nicole's husband)
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Pooh King is very relieve that his cousin's tail is not broken.
Maybe this is the universe's way of telling you you need a weekend in! I say draw a bubble bath and grab a glass of wine. Aaaaahhh.
This last weekend Nicole and I found conclusive proof that one third of all men in Germany have mullets!!
I hope you are as excited as we are over this discovery.
Victor (Nicole's husband)
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