Tiffany has more photos.
The toast: (which was actually never done bc I left it at the hotel.....but thats ok. I'm not sure Tiffany could have counted to ten anyways. Ah who am I kidding, me either)
I'll give you 8 of them: (A is me T is my sister)
1. (A.) Full Nelson
*that's a wrestling move for any Canadians or foreigners reading
2. (T) Half Nelson
3. (A&T) How to wiggle out of a full and half nelson
4. (T)All of the words to Beastie Boys Brass Monkey
5. (A) Counter clockwise is the direction that your hair swirls in the toilet
6. (T)Legal definition of deposition, (A) and what not to say in one....CASE CLOSED!!
7. (T) Ryan has and will always have the final say in all of our relationships
8. (A) He also introduced us to the leading men in our lives......(T) Jose Cuervo (A) Captain Morgan
So I came up with a plan in Pitt. Somehow in the drinking fog I found clarity. My family does that to me sometimes. But I need to get some studying done to even come close to have the plan work. Don't worry....You'll see what happens, you think for a second you'll stop checking in? Honey please.
Congrats on your new-found enlightenment, and good luck on your PLAN!
And, congrats to your brother!
You're a pretty pretty princess,
But did you end up choosing a bra?
Glad you had a wonderful time!
p.s. stop by for some photos of Victor and his "other woman", his Corvette engine.
Like the guys from the A-Team used to say....... "I love it when a plan comes together!" It was soooooooooooooooo much fun being together this weekend. Good, good luck with mid-terms. I am sending all the "smart vibes" I have to spare.
I could have done it when we got there, but definitely not by the time we left!!!
Classic pretty princess...
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