Looking at the giant hole in my wall every time I walk in and out of the house makes me shake my head in disbelief. I have a plan to fix it....and that plan starts on Saturday. Unfortunately I woke up this morning with my comforter pulled over my head, 2 quilts, and a whimpering voice trying to get my wall chewing dog to climb into bed and keep me warm.
Hum. Maybe the heat is busted?
Yea. So of course it is. I need a maintenance man in the house and I have a giant hole on the side of my door (the ONLY door). Um hum. Yea.
So I do what every reasonable person does and push the lever all the way to the right (as if to remind the thermostat of it's job) and rush to class. At noon....Nothing. Actually colder in my apartment then outside. Ah crikey. Is that hole getting bigger?!??!
So I talk to Heather.
'What the hell am I going to do?'
Cover it.
'Cover it? What the hell am I going to cover it with? Its a 3 and a half foot by foot hole directly next to my door! How do you hide that?'
Cover it.
The repair man called. He's 10 minutes out. Then the cop showed up at the door. (Mom gasped). The cop? Yes the cop. And no he wasn't showing up because of the property damage.
(we will call him Ponch from now on)
What are you doing?
(I'm frantic) I need to cover this up. The maintenance guy is on the way. He's friends with the landlord.
After his initially look of confusion, Ponch straight up jumped into action. No questions asked. The end result (took 4 minutes),
remove painting, hang long coat from nail
place full size ironing board against wall
move TV table against wall
angle TV.
Covered at eye level. Sweet. Heat is fixed, and I got a cop to help me hide evidence.
Are you sure he didn't get his badge from an online store? I'd check with the local po po to be sure. He seems to be too bood at this "hiding the evidence stuff"... or maybe that makes him legit. I need to go check the po-po handbook I got on eBay.
sorry... too good, I meant to say.
Where was Ponch when Mark Furman found the glove???? I would have just laid your raciest undies in strategic places where maintenance guy would see them or put porn on the tv. A distracted mind misses the big stuff! CASE CLOSED!!!
Man Minn, Officer Ponch is stacking up the points here... first he saves you from the falling fire extinguisher, then he feeds you sushi and gives you tasty things to drink and now he is sparing you the wrath of the landlord! Sounds like a good guy to have around if he doesn't realize you are turning him to the "dark side".
good stuff.
I'll have you know Ryan, that flashing boobs was plan B. Just a little risky that he would have big expectations.
Get it? Big expectations..Little boobs?
God I'm funny at 6am
I just read that at 3:13 pm and its still funny. "joe king" get it joking..."joe king" do you get it dad????
This might just be a match made in heaven.
Sweet Jesus!!! Look at that hole! The wall must taste like squirrel.
dats my girl! LOL
he knew just what i was thnking tooooo
bonus point for him.
Your life is so funny.
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