Ok it's me it's me. If it makes you feel any better my laundry is being neglected too. I don't have any incredibly funny stories to tell you (shocking I know). Heather let me borrow her Air Force jumpsuit for Halloween, so I went as maverick. That was pretty sweet, although after about 20 minutes into waiting tables in a onezie, I realized maybe a little hotter then I wanted.
I did however get in some sweet movie quotes throughout the night.
My wall is fixed thanks to Ponch and his dad.....who I think might be Bob Villa in disguise. I of course attempted to look domestic, and baked oatmeal cookies while they were patching the wall.
I can't find any baking soda for the batter other then the kind that is in the box in my freezer soaking up all of the nasty smells.
I used it, and yes, it was disgusting. Who knew that oatmeal cookies could taste like leftover pasta and fish?!?
So I did what any girl trying to cover up a disaster in a blue apron would do......
I started adding other ingredients to try and cover up the taste. My oatmeal cookies became....
Oatmeal, chocolate chip, cinnamon, craison cookies. Very little batter was left after I added everything.
They were still bad. Ponch ate one anyway and they humored me by taking a plate home. I hope he and his dad are playing a pickup game of street hockey using the cookies as a puck. For god sake no one should have to eat those.
Domestication. Maybe I should look that word up in the dictionary
It's true love for sure...I eat everything and I wouldn't eat those cookies unless I was single and trying to impress you. And I WOULD be trying to impress you by fixing your wall, not just being a nice guy. Even though I am a nice guy...but that is beside the point. Even nice guys have alterior motives. I guess the point is Ponch is waaaay into you if he fixed your wall and ate your fishy cookie.
I think he was hooked when he showed up with his Dad, and his Dad didn't mention the panties hanging on the shower rod!
We cooked all kind of crap for Chris (see above) back in the day. He always ate and smiled and complimented the chefs. This is the word of Chris. Amen.
EEEEWWWWWWW! I guess you should have paid more attention when mom was baking? Ponch gets points in my book as well as hazard pay.
domesticate: to accustom to household life or affairs (per Dictionary.com)
I'm still trying to picture it...still trying...
Please help. This is Tiff's fellow traveler from Oregon..you may have heard of me, Amy, however none of the stories are true. Anyway, I need help. I screwed up my page. Please help, Tiff's on vaca. My links on the right are suddenly at the bottom. Sorry to bug you, but your sis gave you rockstar status...so I figured worth a shot!
Awesome costume, Amanda! And don't feel bad... my laundry is always at least a month or two (usually it is clean but I just HATE folding it), and I'm not much of a cook, unless it comes out of a box.
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