Friday, March 30, 2007

Truffles and coffee breakfast

It's been a long week, but my first round of exams are over. In celebration, Heather (plus 2 baby boys in her belly), Robin and I went to the Girls on The Run Fundraiser.

Give this girl some wine and a silent auction and there is bound to be trouble. We, of course, were the last table to leave, and scored all of the leftover desert. From across the room I hear

'Amanda! Do you want a plate of leftovers?'

'A plate? I have tupperware in the car!'

Seriously, whatever I spent in the silent auction, was totally made up in cheesecake and truffles.

I have zero shame.

On another note, a company called Sears Automotive seems to be taking their sweet time admitting their mistake with Beck. They offered me a rental car.....starting today I'm telling them I want an RV to replace my camper. Perhaps a tour bus?

Amandaland on tour. Sweet Jesus I could be a reality TV show.


Anonymous said...

I'll call them if you want.

WanderingGirl said...

I hope they have a ghetto RV. That shit would rock.

You could totally come to Carhenge in it.

BTW, my word verification is fuzvwilg, which seems like it could be a fuzzy bug.

Anonymous said...

I love your dress.....looks great with chocolate! Heather looks wonderful too. Not long for her now. Glad your exams are in the rear view. Now you can concentrate on Beck.