Poor Guy could barely walk in here.
20 Minutes of them following me around Fruita, I finally hit 18 Road and they got some bike time in before they had to hit the road.

Then at 5 I had a blind date. My first blind date ever. He wasn't really blind. I was ready for blindness.....or at least an eye patch. He had neither. Two perfectly fine eyes.
Keva looks like a midget next to that guy!
If you are going to join the "blind date" game, I say buy an eye patch and ask the guy to put it on when he arrives at your door. Whether he does it or not should determine if the date continues. After all, if someone told him you looked like one of Charley's Angels and he showed up with a wig or a squirt gun and asked you to "hit the pose" you would do it, wouldn't you? Fair's fair......
As for Keva, she looks beautiful and happy. Horray!!!!! Too bad you didn't give Jake a dust cloth. He could have wiped down your ceilings for you and spring cleaning would have been half done. Now that's a tall one!!!!
Need more info on date...nice eyes, anything else.
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