I have a list of things to do before I die.
One of those things on the list is to work a runway.
Now did I really put this on the list so when I die Tiffany has to stand at my funeral and read whats left on the list..... hit a Play button on a boom box and watch the ushers swing my casket down the church isle in last laugh for us all?
I'm..... to sexy for my shirt.....to sexy for my..........
Is it really a pushed down fantasy of the hippy bus driving feminist?
Either way, I got asked to model at a fundraiser. Totally local. Totally fun. My friend Ivy owns Pollux Boutique downtown, and today was my fitting. I seriously giggled the entire time, then demanded water with a lime/lemon hybrid fruit wedge, snorted a plate of cocaine, ordered 82 red jelly beans, ate one only to throw it up 3 minutes later, then I smashed a mirror and stormed out.
Well if I'm going to do it I have to do it right.
In family heritage stealing, I am 1/16 Asian. Since my sister Tiffany is ALMOST Asian (her favorite Asian will testify), and my BFF Molly is Asian, I claim 1/16 Asian. Don't worry, 85.5% of me is still strong black woman, and the 2% white girl is still trying to control everything.
Lets see how the 2% white girl holds up when they toss a majority black woman in an Asian dress, 6 inch heels and tell her to work a catwalk.
2% white... just like milk.
1/16 Asian....just like the meat in egg rolls.
I dont know why the song by Rue Paul is stuck in my head now when I think of you strutting your stuff "you gotta work, work it girl, do your thing..."
ha ha.
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