Looking for a home.
Not me, Otto.
Not the guy........The picture. The framed picture.
I can't show you Otto in fear that no one will want him, or you'll see him and laugh so hard that everyone will want him. I'm going to be setting up a website for Ottos travels.....you don't keep Otto very long. He's kind of like the traveling gnome. Usually snuck into the back of a car, you don't realize you got him till it's too late to turn back. At least that's how I got him. Otto helps you accomplish your goals.....so when my last final is completed in 4 weeks 3 days....Otto will move on to inspire someone.
On the back it says 'Pass it on' and then you sign your name and city, and do just that.
Otto has had his run in Junction....soon it will be time to pass him on. I thought of giving him as a wedding present (cough cough Phil) but I feared that they would feel obligated to keep him forever. And that's just not Otto. Otto is a free spirit. Otto can not be caged by the walls of society.
So I want some takers. Otto is not offensive and does not contain any inappropriate material. Otto is a motivational image.
Come on out of the woodwork, you closet reader you. I don't care if I don't know you. Or if I do know you and you need him, get on in this. Tell me WHY you need Otto and I promise he will be passed on next month. Just your name. I don't need an address yet.
Otto must be free.
How could Otto be a wandering gnome and not come to Carhenge?
Otto should join the Guerilla Poetics Project!
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