I have exams in a week. I am testing in the next week before the final exams. I am so tired. I'm not going to be around for a while, but you know I'll miss you terribly.
Really, it's not you it's me.
Where the fear is---- thats where the good stuff is found.
I should have to wear some type of head protection at all time.
Today, brought that a little closer to home.
I am terrible with numbers. Combinations? I'm totally lost. Doesn't even matter how long I've had the lock for. Knowing this, I keep numbers written down....say in my book bag. So today when I went to the pool, I grabbed my number list, got changed, locked up, and hit the water.
When I got out of the pool, starving, shaky, soaking.....I stood in front of the locker.
Son of a........
My list is in my backpack. In the locker. I throw a couple of number combinations out with no luck. Where is my towel? Damn it it's in the locker too. Holy crap I'm hungry. I can't think let alone spit out numbers.
So I run. Upstairs. In my swimsuit. With my cap on. Goggles still on top. Through the weight room.
Hello, hi, how are ya, gunna finish that power bar?
So now I'm standing at the counter, shaking, doing a little hopping dance to try and keep blood moving as some poor girl is unlocking an office somewhere looking for a code. I realize when they talk to me that I have an insane amount of water in my ears. So I step back, and shake my head. Nothing. So I whip my head as hard as I can.....
and crack in right onto the counter.
Oh starry sweet Jesus.
I snap my combo from the girl as she walked out mouth open, eyes huge. Clutching the side of my head, still starving, still shaking, still soaking wet.