Friday, January 11, 2008


Let me first start by saying that this was by far the nicest gift anyone has ever given me, lovingly knowing that I had some anxiety about turning thirty.

Turns out you don't think about work, school, or turning thirty when you think that your going to get murdered in the Trenchtown Ghetto of Jamaica.

I have stories....oh sweet Jesus do I have stories.

For now I am drinking my coffee, trying to process what was seen, trying to drop the guilt of not giving those school kids money for their lunch fund. Trying to let that knowledge of a country accepted poverty stay in Jamaica.

Give me a day or so to get the pictures together, because it is true that the countryside is beautiful. The forest is lush and green, and the colors are fantastic. We did have fun, and we did eat a ton of local food that was delicious.

But this coffee is setting well on my tounge right now, so I'll talk later about it.
Very good to be home.


WanderingGirl said...

I told you so.

That's all.

Glad you are home. I missed you.

Anonymous said...

Me too........

(but now you know why I wanted emergency contact numbers in both your pockets!)