Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Everything is under control
Today I've spent the majority of my waking hours running from town to town, meeting with some of the girls mothers in a last minute attempt to get their registration forms for the race turned it. Palisade doesn't look too bad at 8:30 in the morning. All the meth addicts must be in their hidden corners having crack candy dreams and twitching in their sleep. But who am I to talk....the Betty Ford wagon is circling the block as we speak.
For anyone who is interested in running the 5k for a great cause (AKA: me and my girls) please visit www.girlsontherungv.com and register, or if you can't make it feel free to make a sizable donation. The race isn't until May 6th, so you have plenty of time to train or make a sign & come cheer us on.
Some background info on the story I have to tell today: On the 30th there is a silent auction fundraiser called the Flip Flop Fling for the Girls on the Run. Very cute, semi-formal with flip flops, all proceeds go to the organization. Before Heather left we were discussing this event & Heather foolishly asked me in front of the girls if I have a date. If you've ever seen 13 9 year olds flock into a conversation, it's similar to a clip I once saw on the Discovery Channel where the young descend in on the old and kill them. I thought I can put a positive spin on it about being confident and comfortable enough to attend an event by yourself.... Nope....Not a chance. Those girls were on me like.....Well, like Betty Ford on my hidden liquor stash. It is how every practice has started for the last 2 weeks. Me...Ladies, how are CSAPS going? (as we sit in a circle stretching out before the run) Them...'ok/easy/today was hard/I fell asleep....Whatever' inevitably a few start to whisper and then get louder.......Me...'whats up?' Them (always two or three at once)....'do you have a date yet?' Me...I don't think I'm going to take a date, and if you ask again, we're running 6 extra laps. (which by the way has not phased them one bit)
So fast forward to today. Im in the Hollywood Video parking lot in Clifton when Taverhlys mom pulls up with her registration form. Jumping out grabbing the form Mrs. Tahverlys mom says......'So Amanda do you have a date for the fundraiser yet? The girls mentioned over spring break that you didn't and we thought maybe you could take Tahverlys uncle. He hasn't been out of the house in a while.'

Seriously. That's at least an extra 12 laps for them all.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
2 postings in 1 day! Your so lucky!!
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. " ~Frank Sinatra

The only proper southern way to leave an 8:45 am wine tasting is to walk away with a bloody mary in hand.
Dad says to me tonight....'so you had a lazy day huh?'
Me....No. not at all. I had a employee meeting / wine tasting this morning, lunch, then went for a bike ride. It's 75 degrees here so I laid out on the dock and took a nap. Now I'm watching a movie. Wait. What the hell am I talking about. It was a completely lazy day.'

The interview was last night. It's hard to say how those things go. There was a panel of 6 made up of 2 professors and then 4 from the hospital. Six questions were asked, I remember 4 and I think I may have blacked out during two. Please god don't have let the black woman in me come out to answer those two questions.....or do the electric slide. I was the absolute last interviewee at #56 and the accept 18 into the program. (big sigh)
Afterwards I went to the Slide, had a beer, and drove out to the lakehouse where I fell asleep on the couch. I like that place. With the exception of the highway running off to the side, it's very peaceful. I'm planning on hauling the kayak into the lake today and paddling around. Having had all of my midterms on Thursday I actually have a weekend where I'm not flooded with homework or anxiety.
But first I have to head up to work for a employee wine tasting. Drinking wine at 9am. It's like running through the communion line over and over again. I just might find a way to make lake boating into an extreme sport.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Take a seat
So I go the registrars office and I don't have my ID, so they wont give me my transcripts. So I go to study and start talking to Tish my A&P lecture study partner, turns out she works in the registrars office. So I get my transcripts. And I call Winthrop (at 5pm last night SC time), and print out on the computer their transcripts. And then this morning I met with the registrars office to review, and my GPA was calculated incorrectly.
So I go back to the head of the rad tech office in hope that my higher GPA will earn me more points on my application. And it did. 10. One point shy. I thought I was going to pass out. She suggests that I find my A&P professor and get a print out of my current grade. So Im now running around campus, (literally) searching for Dr. Chowdry. And she was in her office. (what are the odds of that?) And I get the print out. And run back across campus with 11 minutes left to get to the head of rad techs office hours for the week (ironic the 11 minutes isn't it? I thought that too) My grades bought me 3 points. Im over the limit.
I have the last interview slot. Friday. 5:30.

Well at least I'm using my craziness to my advantage. Its kind of like learning how to harness the wind.....
Monday, March 20, 2006

I had this dream last night. I was sitting at the little coffee-bagel shop downtown, typing away furiously at the computer when out of nowhere I begin to cry. It started out as the slow tears that ripple down your cheek, and then morphed into this sobbing blubber of a mess where I was crying so hard that I got crying hiccups. Out of sure embarrassment and panic I have my hands covering my eyes and cheeks that have apparently caught on fire from the heat radiating from them. Then a man I don't know walks up, picks me up, sets down and holds me on his lap until I stop. I get up, completely composed, close the laptop cover, grab what I can only imagine is my latee 1/2 shot vanilla, and walk out. When I hit the door I call over my shoulder 'see you tomorrow'. And I wake up.
And there is no heat in the house. (I'm at my house while Tiff is in town because we can't take the cat to the lake house)

Soon after I'm busted microwaving my skivies. http://akadventuring.blogspot.com
To my own amazement I finally traded in my cell phone for a new updated fancy smanchy one today. This of course meant that I had to give up some text messages that I had kept around for way too long. Why you ask? Because....well I apparently enjoy torturing myself from time to time. Three cheers for cutting off a few strings today.
See ya tomorrow
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Ah can't beat it
It's amazing how much an apartment fills up with another person, another dog, and a cat that makes me sneeze. But I love them anyway....Well.....Maybe not so much the cat, but Tiff and Pooh King are keepers. I guess I can't blame the cat that much, poor Oz must think her days are numbered with all of my cat anatomy pictures laid out on the kitchen table. Imagine what she must be thinking.......
Tiff is hauling her tri-monthly gypsy train to Oregon and will be here until Thursday. I have 2 midterms this week so I'm sure she is very excited to look at anatomy pictures and quiz me on the trapezius muscle system.

On the plus side I started house sitting today for Coach Heather and her husband Dr. Trig. That's got to be about the easiest job ever. Im focusing mainly on making sure that the washing machine and dryer stay in good working condition while they're gone. (can't let those things sit too long) Sativa is working on her dog paddle. (she of course is a natural)
2 weeks of living on a lake looking at these views....it's going to be rough.

Saturday, March 18, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Currently Staring in my own Soap Opera

Simpsons episode anyone?
Sir I demand satisfaction!
Liz and I did a little riding downtown yesterday with the weather being so nice and it being my day off. Hey. It's spring break. There's nothing like taking your mind off of personal disappointment like margaritas and conversations of the local commune.
Now I'm off today to go sling green beer at people for St. Patty's. Of course we have to wear all black at work, but I've spiced it up with some green panties in case challenged.

Don't take it personally I'm not talking to anyone right now.
I don't like change. I've become content where I'm at, and frankly I feel like I've gone through enough of it already this year. This may be my craziness coming out here, but I feel like the second I take a deep breath and become accepting of my life, suddenly it gets a flick from the side and I'm knocked on my ass all over again. I'll trust you to hold the football, just please don't move it when I go to kick. Damn it not again.
I did get a message from my grant advisor, who I have a conference call with on Monday. I haven't lost the grant.....Yet. Her voice mail suggestion was as follows: Colorado has 2 other rad tech programs. Call them, see if I can still apply and if accepted get my ass to either one of those schools. She also said that there were some other options we could go over and will do that on Monday. Right now I just feel like an ass for betting that it would work out. I am so bad at gambling and I put a lot on the line with this and just lost the first round. I've gone ahead and opted out of the education route. I know it was the fallback plan, and as lovely as summers off would be, I have no desire to do it. I know what your thinking 'but your great with kids'....yea, your kids, but I wouldn't have your kids. I'll have satans spawn year after year. Amys right, it takes a special kind of person to be a teacher, and that's not me.
Mesa doesn't offer up a masters program either, so I can't sell them on that and stay to get my Masters. To remain in GJ on this grant they would have to pay for another year of me at Mesa in hope that I get accepted into the program next year. I don't know if that's even realistic. I'll know more by Tuesday. If I do have to go it wont be until the summer, so I could at least finish out the training with my girls, and finish out this semester in school. I am totally bummed, but I'm guessing that you know that.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
The special girl lives upstairs

Now as you can tell the skis have red stripes on them. To me, this means that they go faster. (this has been my belief since I was 7 and had a pair of red shoes to run in. Red Strip = Fast) I even went as far as to clean off the red strip so that they could do there magic in a race. Special I know.
And no, you don't even have to ask. I haven't taken the boots off yet. In fact I just might sleep in them.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Sake to Me Baby

You know I said it. This is Liz, her boyfriend Danny and I at the downtown sushi restaurant in GJ last night. Happy hour followed by sushi and plum wine with sake mixed in is a perfect combination for a night filled with giggles. Come to think of it I'm surprised that there isn't a picture of me riding that buffalo downtown. (or did I.....) Granted at 2:30 this morning my body was not so fond of the sake/wine mixture, but here in about 30 minutes it's all going to be sweat out in yoga. Hummmm, for some reason I don't think that it's going to smell as sweet as it tasted. Oh yea, and I dislocated my finger......yea, not sure when or how.
Friday, March 10, 2006
A dogs life

I want the simplicity of my dogs life.
That way I would never wonder about life (I would wonder about whether or not that neighbor cat was in the backyard)
I wouldn't care if people didn't follow through (I would be so excited when anyone and everyone showed up at the door.....Then sneak out to chase that cat in the back yard and listen to them cheer me on.....I'm always sure that noise in the background is cheering!)
Who needs money? If you look at things from this angle.......

Thursday, March 09, 2006
Sun to Snow

Sorry Neal, no more bikini shots.
Can you see it? Can you see the snow? (it's mini snow, but that still counts)It just went from rain to snow about 20 minutes ago. Now Im debating whether or not to make the girls run in the snow tonight. Tuesday we ran in off and on rain and they did fine........
Meanwhile in anatomy...... (this guy reminds me of Zwiefel) ..........

Not everyone can play god. Let it go man, she's gone.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Si hablo espanol

I'm hoping that having mexican food for dinner counts as studying for this Spanish midterm. That and Santana has been playing in the Jeep for the last few days. (the esses at work love it when I roll up playing this). I'm taking a short break now and sucking down some lemon ginseng tea with what's left of the girlscout cookies I stole from tiff. Me gusta tea y cookies. (3 out of the 5 words is good. but how do I not know the Spanish word for cookies??)
Aye ya ya!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Sun bathing 101

I guess that's the southern in me. I had a few hours to kill this morning, so in preparation for my Spanish midterm on Tuesday, I grabbed my note cards, chips and salsa, and hit the deck. Literally my 6ftx4ft deck. Covered in SPF 30, I got a good hour and a half in before it was time for the park and then off to work.

Oh those old hippies had me cracking up.
Saturday, March 04, 2006

I got to spend some quality time yesterday at Big O Tires. 3 hours actually. Turns out that grinding metal on metal noise that I was getting from the Jeep when I braked....really was metal on metal. And yes, I should have gone in earlier and not just turned up the volume on the radio. Over the course of these 3 hours I heard the term 'get er done' used a total of 8 times. 'yes sir we'll get er done'......'sure mam' we can get er done'.
I was thinking of putting these sweet rims on and dropping the jeep yo. The bill sobered me up.

Friday, March 03, 2006
Bra burning coming back to haunt me
Well it's been quite a week. The application for the rad tech department is in, just a bit of stress as I was hiking after work and at the top of the trail get a call from the head of the department. My SC high school transcripts never came in. So there I was at the top of the Holy Cross trail cussing up a storm (funny I know) at 2 pm with 24 hours to get them faxed. A two hour time difference to SC and I have to call Miss Beard of all people. Now the funny side note here is that Miss Beard used to send me home in high school (or try) bc I wasn't wearing a bra. Or refused to wear one. Whatever. Come on it's not like a needed it (which was my actual defense). I had one.....It was just in my locker. Anyways I was surprised when I called that the old bitty was still alive. Ever notice how difficult it is to try and be nice to someone that is single handedly responsible for the problem in the first place, and yet you know that they are the only person who can help you? I found myself (still at the top of this trail) talking to this woman through locked teeth as various bikers go whizzing by thinking god knows what. 'What do you mean you can't fax it? I've been in your office, I know you have a fax to the left of your desk and the fern on the side that like you is barely hanging onto life!'
Ok so that last bit I didn't say.
She finally caved after low growling begging and the fax came through the next morning.

Meanwhile my mountain goat dog kept a lookout for the Spanish Inquisition.
Papa King is going under the knife this morning for a torn rotator cuff. Now considering he tried to blame his hip replacement on me from trying to kick my ass all these years and missing, Im sure Im somehow to blame for this one too. If you find time today, think a quick healing thought for the big guy, as Im sure he's going to be trying to drive the tractor tomorrow, and mom will be chasing behind him waiving a wooden spoon...'Joooooeee!'