So I go the registrars office and I don't have my ID, so they wont give me my transcripts. So I go to study and start talking to Tish my A&P lecture study partner, turns out she works in the registrars office. So I get my transcripts. And I call Winthrop (at 5pm last night SC time), and print out on the computer their transcripts. And then this morning I met with the registrars office to review, and my GPA was calculated incorrectly.
So I go back to the head of the rad tech office in hope that my higher GPA will earn me more points on my application. And it did. 10. One point shy. I thought I was going to pass out. She suggests that I find my A&P professor and get a print out of my current grade. So Im now running around campus, (literally) searching for Dr. Chowdry. And she was in her office. (what are the odds of that?) And I get the print out. And run back across campus with 11 minutes left to get to the head of rad techs office hours for the week (ironic the 11 minutes isn't it? I thought that too) My grades bought me 3 points. Im over the limit.
I have the last interview slot. Friday. 5:30.

Well at least I'm using my craziness to my advantage. Its kind of like learning how to harness the wind.....
Do you like the way she works it?
Ya baby!!!!!!!!!
Amanda you rock...I knew your OCD would come in handy one day! Good luck (like you really need it)!
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! My happy dance was a LOT like yours, except I was crying. Sappy, happy old one.... Now go get 'em kid. We all know you're quite the talker...
Sorry girls. All I can say is fucking awesome!
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!
Congrats on the interview! Did you really post this at 11:11 a.m.?!
Take care,
Nicole (as in allthingsnicole)
wow I never noticed that. 11's all day
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