It's amazing how much an apartment fills up with another person, another dog, and a cat that makes me sneeze. But I love them anyway....Well.....Maybe not so much the cat, but Tiff and Pooh King are keepers. I guess I can't blame the cat that much, poor Oz must think her days are numbered with all of my cat anatomy pictures laid out on the kitchen table. Imagine what she must be thinking.......
Tiff is hauling her tri-monthly gypsy train to Oregon and will be here until Thursday. I have 2 midterms this week so I'm sure she is very excited to look at anatomy pictures and quiz me on the trapezius muscle system.

On the plus side I started house sitting today for Coach Heather and her husband Dr. Trig. That's got to be about the easiest job ever. Im focusing mainly on making sure that the washing machine and dryer stay in good working condition while they're gone. (can't let those things sit too long) Sativa is working on her dog paddle. (she of course is a natural)
2 weeks of living on a lake looking at these's going to be rough.

Look away Oz! Look away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a beautiful place! I would park a comfy chair on that dock and read, and think and snooze... Cookie looks more than happy.
Sweet house. As far as the laundry goes remember when we babysat in college and we were doing laundry and you decided to wash the pants you were wearing. So there you are sitting on the couch in your underwear eating ice cream and our boss and his wife come home early. Priceless...let's not let your landlord have to experience this. Especially if Tiff is in her Supergirl underwear. :o)
Excellent story Amy!! Actually one I hadn't heard befor... Gotta love those "house and critter sitting" gigs. I would personally have my hinny parked on the dock looking at the mesa for two weeks, alternating between a bowl of ice cream and a glass of wine........ Ah, the good life.
Amy, plus 50 for me if I'm smacking my butt and yelling "Such is Mango!" when they come in.
Deal Tiff!
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