Well it's been quite a week. The application for the rad tech department is in, just a bit of stress as I was hiking after work and at the top of the trail get a call from the head of the department. My SC high school transcripts never came in. So there I was at the top of the Holy Cross trail cussing up a storm (funny I know) at 2 pm with 24 hours to get them faxed. A two hour time difference to SC and I have to call Miss Beard of all people. Now the funny side note here is that Miss Beard used to send me home in high school (or try) bc I wasn't wearing a bra. Or refused to wear one. Whatever. Come on it's not like a needed it (which was my actual defense). I had one.....It was just in my locker. Anyways I was surprised when I called that the old bitty was still alive. Ever notice how difficult it is to try and be nice to someone that is single handedly responsible for the problem in the first place, and yet you know that they are the only person who can help you? I found myself (still at the top of this trail) talking to this woman through locked teeth as various bikers go whizzing by thinking god knows what. 'What do you mean you can't fax it? I've been in your office, I know you have a fax to the left of your desk and the fern on the side that like you is barely hanging onto life!'
Ok so that last bit I didn't say.
She finally caved after low growling begging and the fax came through the next morning.

Meanwhile my mountain goat dog kept a lookout for the Spanish Inquisition.
Papa King is going under the knife this morning for a torn rotator cuff. Now considering he tried to blame his hip replacement on me from trying to kick my ass all these years and missing, Im sure Im somehow to blame for this one too. If you find time today, think a quick healing thought for the big guy, as Im sure he's going to be trying to drive the tractor tomorrow, and mom will be chasing behind him waiving a wooden spoon...'Joooooeee!'
Mrs. Beard's only comment to me was that I had nice teeth. Maybe I should have been a dentist. I can't believe that old bitty's alive either.
I feel like I should remember her... Man, I'm getting old.
no one expects the spanish inquisition
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