I'm hoping that having mexican food for dinner counts as studying for this Spanish midterm. That and Santana has been playing in the Jeep for the last few days. (the esses at work love it when I roll up playing this). I'm taking a short break now and sucking down some lemon ginseng tea with what's left of the girlscout cookies I stole from tiff. Me gusta tea y cookies. (3 out of the 5 words is good. but how do I not know the Spanish word for cookies??)
Aye ya ya!
Yeah so Neal asked his Mexican, Jesus (that's pronounced hey-zeus), and he said cookie is "galletas" in Spanish. He is handy to have around. If you need to know how to say anything dirty I'm the woman to ask. Ole!
Yeah so I meant to say Neal's Mexican that works for him. He dosen't actually own a Mexican. This is sounding more and more like a Jockey Lot story.
now a mexican midget would be worth the extra price.
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