Meet my girls. My small attempt to do something outside of my amandaland. Something that doesn't have a thing to do with me. My one. They are awesome. He's right you know.
You've got to do what you should.
Whatever it is.
Where the fear is---- thats where the good stuff is found.
Meet my girls. My small attempt to do something outside of my amandaland. Something that doesn't have a thing to do with me. My one. They are awesome. He's right you know.
You've got to do what you should.
Whatever it is.
Oh Amanda......
This morning you have taken my breath away. These beautiful girls will fill cracks in your heart and leave their little hand and footprints all over your soul. I celebrate them and I celebrate you.
Go Mindo! Go Mindo! Go Mindo!
(I'm doing the cabbage patch!)
Amanda I now know being a mom what it means to be selfless and it the most wonderful feeling in the world...enjoy it and have fun with it.
hey honey I finally got to read your blogs, way funny, I think you should consider journalism. Good times, I went riding today (only on little rails and mash potaoes). Anyways miss you honey. loves thelma.
ps I cant believe thelma &louise wasnt on your favorite movie list- come on young HOT Brad Pitt, classic conv. the only thing that would make it better would be a furry white dog -
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