The actual torchure come from the 2 exams today. Anatomy at 8am (so anxiety woke me up at 5), and I just walked out of the Physiology. One was much better then the other I think. My remaining 3 braincells really tried to pull it out, but seriously, those two classes.....It's a lot to ask. In case your wondering, there is a limit to how much caffeine you can intake

On the plus side, it is also "Dad sends me Flowers Day" (valentines day to the rest of you)
He is the coolest man ever.
A legend.
This is so weird seeing you study. I am having major flashbacks of 507 1/2 Ebenezer. Oh lord...the stories I could tell. :o)
ha ha ha.....let's not. some things we should just think about and giggle to ourselves....or shake our heads, whichever is the more appropriate
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