Today I couldn't run fast enough, or long enough. I think after being forced off of play for over a year it bottled up in me. Today I exploded. Manic. As soon as I got out of work this afternoon I was gone. I think it took me 3 seconds to get in the house, change, and out the door again. When I looked back in the Jeep at Sativa she still had a pair of my socks in her mouth.
I know some triathletes that would love to know the secret to my transition time.......
Now you may need some sunglasses for this one, but look......

Shorts! My god I haven't had shorts on in February in 6 years. This is Awesome. I think I may have blinded some bikers on the trail. Sorry about that guys, hope your sight comes back.

This is a true story.
This guy walking past me after my Spanish class asks me if I have any change.....
What?'.......(there are a ton of people around as class just got out)...
He says 'Im between jobs, and need money. Do you have any change?'............
'no, and you DO realize your on a college campus where everyone is poor right? Probably not the best place to panhandle'...........
ok, now I feel bad.....'I do have an apple are you hungry?'........
Throwing his arm out he says 'I don't want your apple'
Without missing a beat this skinny kid beside me who had stoped to witness this whole thing says 'I'll take that apple I'm starving'
I smile, toss the apple to the skinny kid, shake my head at the bum. Crazy bum.
You're a skinny kid too. Keep the apple! Better yet, start carrying pie! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, pie...
Ooh la la! Nice legs! If you hadn't blinded the bikers...they might of bought you a drink sexy lady!
if only those legs werent screaming in pain.......
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