After a year of being off skis, I was literally running around work last night like retarded Stewart on MAD TV jumping in the air saying 'my skis are coming my skis are coming'. (normally, Stewart would say 'look what I can do!, as he flings himself awkwardly in the air). Well that was me, until Marcel showed up and dropped the bomb that my skis were in fact being held at a UPS until signature confirmation from some random person comes through. (and that sharp pain that hits the side of your ribs that actually takes wind out of you.....) Like kicking a happy puppy.
Damn it.
You should have kicked Marcel for showing up without the skis... or at least a box of those fine European chocolates you love so much! What was he thinking?
I think the UPS has a thing against the King women. And did you say Marcel was visiting...sweet. :o)
not sweet
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